Ch. 69: Releasing Tensions

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Mikayla sits in the bed with her knees up, her eyes being concentrated on the psychology book that she reads, her realizing that different books and word searches were on her nightstand, her even going to the bathroom to see baby oil and baby lotion and some other products that she likes.

Her realizing that Santiago got it all for her.

She feels a little blush creep onto her cheeks, no other man has done things like this for her, other than her own brother. It scares her just as much as it makes her heart warm.

She highlights different sections in the book, it really piquing her interest, her lightly biting on the end of the yellow highlighter while staring down at the book, eagerly reading its contents.

She looks towards the door when it opens, Santiago coming inside. Her highlighter slowly trails to her bottom lip and slowly leaves her mouth when she stares at him. His body is sweaty, the sweat being seen on his muscle shirt, his jet black hair being a little damp from sweat, his large defined arms being on full display. He goes over to the bathroom, him going to crack the door, Mikayla hearing the shower water come on.

Mikayla closes her book and goes to the bathroom, her slowly opening the door to see Santiago taking off his shirt, his back being turned towards her. She can't help but watch how his muscles protrude, him being so large and tall. He even has back dimples, the lines and some of the scars on his back only making him more sexier than he already is.

Santiago turns around, Mikayla being met with his defined eight pack. When her eyes meet his he has his eyebrows raised lightly, in both question and amusement.

Mikayla clears her throat lightly, her scratching the side of her neck. "I uhh....did you get that stuff for me? The books? And the lotions and stuff?"

Santiago nods. "You said you liked those things when we went to Switzerland."

"Right." She softly smiles. "Well thank you, I really do appreciate you."

"It's nothing." He shakes his head.

Mikayla goes to take a slow step towards him, the bathroom becoming more hotter from the steam beginning to fill the bathroom. She takes another step to him, her going to look up at him while standing in front of him. "It is something, Santi. You're helping me and my friends, and you're keeping me from going crazy of boredom, I appreciate that."

Santiago clears his throat, him going to nod his head. "It''re welcome."

"You seem almost nervous...." She lowly murmurs, her letting her hands slowly slide down his stone hard abs.

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