Ch. 33: Back to Safety

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Mikayla sits in one of the rooms, her rocking her knee hard while she fiddles with her hands, Sasha being in the room with her as she paces to and fro, her rubbing her hands together in nervousness.

"Can you please stop pacing?!" Mikayla exclaims after a minute.

"I'm sorry I'm nervous!"

"Well so am I but you pacing is making me even more nervous than I already am!"

Sasha rolls her eyes, both of them looking towards the door when it opens, Victoria coming inside. "Well?!" They both question at the same time.

"She's safe." Victoria nods, both of them breathing out in relief.

"And Maxine?"

"She's good too, they're both safe." Victoria answers. "They'll be here soon, then we can head back off to Europe tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"That sounds fucking perfect." Sasha replies.

Victoria smiles at the both of them. "You both did great. I know it was nerve racking just being on the waiting side of things but you both did well. You'll be seeing her in a few hours."

"No one else was hurt, right?" Mikayla asks.

"Only Sabrina but she'll be good."

"Why what happened?" Sasha asks, her expression turning concerned.

"She was shot twice—"

"What?!" They both exclaim.

"It alright the bullets got caught in the vest. It's going to cause a nasty bruise and some soreness but she'll be good." Victoria assures.

Both Mikayla and Sasha breath out in relief. "Thank you."

"Of course." Victoria responds, her going to leave out of the room.

"Thank god." Mikayla breaths out, Sasha going to slowly sit down on the couch as she breaths out in pure relief.

Victoria opens the room door where Terrence is in, his eyes immediately turning to look at her. "Hey Mister Milling."

"My daughter and son?" He immediately questions. "Are they okay?"

"Yes, Susan is safe, Brett too." Victoria answers. Terrence goes to slowly sit down, him going to nod his head. "You'll be seeing them in a few hours."

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