Ch. 58: Insider Assistance #2

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Maxine's knee rocks hard, her being seated at one of the chairs in the waiting room. She fiddles with her hands, her not being able to keep still from both her anger and her fear.

She looks when the hospital slide doors open, her standing up and going to hug Zayn when he enters, him hugging her back. "Zayn please don't let him die. Please."

"He's not dying on my watch." Zayn comments, Santiago and Victoria going over to him as well. "I'll go on and go in there now."

Zayn goes over to the receptionist desk with Maxine Victoria and Santiago following him, Santiago standing beside him. "What room is Sam Mayfield in?"

The receptionist looks up at them with wide eyes. "Who did you just say?"

"Sam Mayfield." Zayn answers back simply.

"That...he's Sam Mayfield?!" The woman asks wide eyed, all of them just staring at her with impatient eyes. "I...he's in surgery—"

"I understand that, what room?" Zayn questions. "I am a level ten surgeon, I will be overseeing his operation."

"I apologize sir but I can't just let you into the room because of that—"

Maxine takes Santiago's gun from his back and points it at the woman, her eyes turning fearful in one quick minute. "Would you like to know how a bullet to the shoulder feels?" She asks simply, the woman frantically shaking her head. "Then give him the fucking room number, you got 10 seconds."

The woman's shaky hands begin to type on the keyboard, her frantically using her mouse. "In the ER he's in room 6."

Maxine gives the gun back to Santiago, Zayn going to walk off.

"Attempting to extract bullet from exit wound area." One of the doctors say.

"We're loosing him again!" They say, the monitors beginning to beep more quicker. "He's loosing to much blood. We need to get that bullet out ASAP otherwise he's a goner."

"Prepare the cell safer then." Zayn comes in.

"Sir you cannot be in here—"

"This is my friend laying on this hospital bed." Zayn goes to put on a white coat and an apron, as well as a mask. "I don't have time for you alls policies. Now prepare the cell safer that way he can stop loosing blood, his own recycled blood can go back inside of him, no blood transfusion necessary. I need him laid on his side that way I can extract his bullet, and I need him held steady."

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