Ch. 51: Wake Up Call

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Mikayla and Jared both lay in his bed together, him being under the cover and her being over the covers, her falling asleep after changing his bandages and dabbing a cold towel on his head, her being exhausted from the trip.

Brett and Susan both sit in the living room, Sasha being across the way on the couch asleep, a blanket being over her that Brett put over her, her arm hanging off of the couch.

Susan's head is leaned against Brett's chest, her being close to dozing off, her head honestly hurting more now than it was already, from the stress and she is sure from the pregnancy. She should've would explain the light fatigue she has been feeling for the past few weeks and how she has been throwing up sometimes.

She just didn't think it would actually be true, part of her was just wishing it was just a bug that she caught.

But no...

She's pregnant.

With Sam's baby no less.

Pregnant by the man that killed her brother.

She slowly closes her eyes, her head honestly beginning to pound because of the stress and the complications of the situation, her being at a complete lost on what to do.

She is exhausted.

She raises up when her phone begins to ring, her too lazy to look at the caller ID as she answers it. "Hmm?"

"Hey girl."

"Victoria?" Susan raises up more. "What's up?"

"I heard you went to visit the detective. I'm...I apologize for what Sabrina did by the way." Victoria says.

Susan rubs her eyes, Brett feeling himself wake up. "It's fine. What's up?"

"When you come back can you come to the control room? I erm...well me and Viking need to talk to you."

Susan's eyebrows furrow. "About?"

"I'll let you know when you get here. Preferably before Sam leaves for his job...pretty please."

Susan looks down at her watch. "Alright I'll be there in an hour."

"Thank you."

"Welcome." Susan hangs up the phone.

"Who was it?" Brett yawns, him sitting up.

"Victoria." Susan answers. "We should be heading back, I'm exhausted." She goes to stand up. "I'm just going to talk to Mikayla real quick."

"Alright let me wake this heavy sleeper." Brett goes over to Sasha.

Susan goes over to the dinning room table, seeing Jared's notebook still there and his laptop, her staring down at the notes that he wrote.

"Get up!" Brett whisper yells at Sasha, ripping the blanket off of her making her pout, her curling up more. "Come on." He pulls her arms.

"Nooo it's to comfy." Sasha pouts, her eyes still being closed.

Susan sits down in the chair, her seeing the different notes about on Sam and his Kingdom, and some notes about William Mayfield...

His father.

Susan opens the laptop, her dragging her finger over the flat curser to bring up the last searched screen, her seeing he has been doing research on Sam and his past, and in regards to Ryan as well.

Finally coming to his senses.

Susan closes the laptop softly, her standing up and going to the bedroom. She goes over to Mikayla, her softly shaking her awake.

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