Ch. 10: Masquerade Party

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Susan goes to leave out of the shower, her going to wrap the towel around her waist and begin to do her nightly routine with moisturizing and using different skincare products, her taking her normal time in the bathroom. After leaving from Gil's place they went back to the hotel to eat and get rest, them deciding that tomorrow Sabrina would shop for their masquerade attire since her face is not all that well known unlike Susan's and Sam's.

And after that stressful encounter with Gil and his lap dogs Susan needed a nice long shower to relax her, her never having a gun pointed at her before. She is glad she stood her ground but all during that she was nervous, and she was scared. Every single one of his lap dogs were holding guns, it feeling like she was just surrounded and completely trapped.

"Watch yourself." Sam looks at the guy as the other one continues to pat him down.

"What?" The guy points his gun at Sam.

"The only one who can tell her that is me." Sam responds. "So if I were you I would take a step back from her, and get the damn thing out of her face."

"Or what?!" He points the gun more at Sam.

"Then we can play a friendly game of Russian fucking Roulette." Sam replies.

Susan can't help but think about that encounter, Sam's expression clearly being irritated while the guy was patting her down, practically feeling her down. She wonders why....why would he grow so irritated because of that?

Then her mind drifts off to what happened earlier....before they left.

Her cheeks turn a bright red because of it, her not actually thinking he was going to actually bend her over his lap and....

Do that.

But clearly he says what he means and means what he says.

But after that encounter today with Gil and some of the things Sam said....she has some questions, because as a lawyer she is always curious, her always having questions.

After she is done with everything she slips on her underwear then her peace colored silk nightdress that comes a little above her mid thigh, her going to put her hair in a neat donut bun at the top of her head. She looks down at her phone when it rings, her answering the conference FaceTime call, Jared Sasha and Mikayla's face popping up.

"Hey guys." Susan smiles.

"Hey Susan!"

"Hey girl!"

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