Ch. 31: The Plan

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Brett and Terrence both sit in the bedroom upstairs in Tiger's house, both of them having distant expressions on their faces.

"Dad you need to rest, the doctors said you need to." Brett says.

Terrence sighs out with his eyes closed. "How can I do that when I now know that both of my children that I have left work for the most feared man in Europe? And my daughter has been kidnapped because of that?!"

"She was kidnapped because of Neil, Dad." Brett says.

Terrence just shakes his head. "I would've known if he was abusing her. He was always so nice, so helpful to us and—"

"You think he's lying, Dad?!" Brett stands up to question. "Sam is a lot of things but one thing he isn't is a liar! So don't even try to place the blame on him! This is OUR FAULTS for not realizing that Susan was being abused under our noses!"

"Don't cause yourself another stress attack, Brett." Terrence puts his hand out. "Please."

Brett sighs out, his hand going through his hair in complete stress. "I should've known, I'm her big brother I am supposed to protect her. I just thought she didn't like staying in one place for to long and she just wanted to travel the world. Why? Why didn't she tell me?"

Terrence puts his hand against his forehead with his eyes closed. "Son I can't..." he trails off. "I can't lose another child."

"You won't, Dad." Brett shakes his head. "We'll find her, I'm about to talk to Sam now to see if there are any new updates. His team is coming in to assist, we will find her."

"Dad." Brett puts his hands on Terrence's shoulders, making Terrence look at him. "She's strong, stronger than you know. We will find her and we will put an end to this."

"Yeah and how long is it until another situation comes up?" Terrence asks. "This is Mafia Brett! Threats never stop in the Mafia world! It is dangerous! I can't believe you and Susan are working for this guy! I want you all out—"

"We will deal with that as soon as we save Susan, let's worry about one thing at a time, Dad." Brett says. "You need rest, lay down and try and get some sleep. I'll let you know if there are any updates."

Terrence nods with his eyes closed, him going to slowly lay down on the bed. Brett goes to put the blanket over him, Brett leaving out of the room after a second.

Brett makes his way downstairs to where Tiger is. "Tiger! Where's Sam at?"

"In the command center." Tiger answers. " this going to become a regular thing? The man I do middle man with coming here?"

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