Ch. 22: Plan B

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Gil watches the news report of Susan and how she is leaving the police station with Sam and the others, the headlines being that she is working for Sam making his blood completely boil, his fists clenching hard.

He kicks a table making it topple over, him going to take out his phone and put it to his ear, dialing the unknown number.

"Gil." The man acknowledges.

"The murders didn't work! It didn't stir any doubt with her!" Gil states madly. "It only just encouraged her it seems like to work for him and represent him instead of letting him stay in the station! Plus the families of Walter and Daniel we cannot even get to because they are heavily guarded under Sam's protection so we can't convince them to testify against him! There's no way we are going to be able to proceed with this plan of framing him, she is the best lawyer in Europe, she can easily get him out of this which brings us back to square one—"

"Relax, Gil." The man simply says. "True yes, we did think these murders would make her draw apart from him but no, but do not worry. I am a man that comes up with multiple plans just in case the other doesn't work, I have a Plan B, but you need to be patient. I do have another plan."

"And what is that?" Gil questions.

"You will see. Meet me back at the spot, we're going to America."


"Just do it."

Gil rolls his eyes as the line hangs up, him just slamming his phone down on the table.

The man leans back in his seat, him going to dial a number before putting it to his ear.

"This is Neil." He answers.

"Neil Hargrove are you not?" The man smiles.

"Who wants to know?"

"Someone that can help you." He responds. "I know where your bitch is. The one that shot you four years ago."

There is silence on the other line for a moment. "Where?"

"Ah ah ah, the world is all about fair trade is it not?" The man smiles. "I need something from you, considering that you are US Marshall."

"And who the hell are you?"

"Just a person who is trying to take back what is mine, just like you are." The man answers. "Do you know that Sam Mayfield has your bitch?"

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