Ch. 89: Tragic Stories

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Annabelle looks around the room, looking at the different books on the tall shelf that she cannot reach, looking through the drawers and the cabinets.

She jumps when the door to the room opens, her seeing Sabrina come inside of the room with a plate in hand. Annabelle goes to slowly sit down back on the bed, Sabrina going to set the plate down on the nightstand.

Sabrina watches how she stands up from the bed and goes in front of the nightstand, her beginning to eat the food on the plate. "Why did you ask me at first if the sandwich was poisonous?" Sabrina asks, Annabelle looking over at her. "Did they try and poison you?"

Annabelle slowly puts more food in her mouth, her turning her attention back to the plate.

"What about this recipe? What does that entail?" Sabrina further questions, Annabelle continuing to eat. "Give me something here kid."

"Daddy said not to say anything." She murmurs.

"And why's that?"

"'s my ticket he said." Annabelle replies. "Ticket to stay alive."

Sabrina's eyebrows furrow, Annabelle turning her attention back to her plate. "Ticket to stay alive?"

Annabelle nods. "He gave it to me before we hid me and mommy, before he had to go away and be Superman for me. I like Superman, he's my favorite superhero. Daddy is Superman."

"He gave what to you? The recipe?" Sabrina asks, Annabelle nodding her head. "What is the recipe?" Annabelle goes to shrug her shoulders while eating. "You just said he gave it to you how do you not know what it is then?"

Annabelle's expression changes a little, a hint of fear and nervousness showing up. "Daddy said not to give it, or I lose my ticket."

"You won't be harmed." Sabrina states. "But I need that recipe kid, so give it up."

Annabelle slowly shakes her head. "Where's my mommy and daddy?"

"They aren't here."

"I want my mommy and daddy."

"They aren't coming back."


"Because they're dead."

Annabelle's teary eyes widen a little, her lips opening a little more before they begin to quiver. "No...they said...they said they would come back and find me—"

"Well they're dead now so I'm your best shot you got, kid. Tell me about the damn recipe." Sabrina bluntly states.

Annabelle cries, her quickly running to the bathroom and shutting the door quickly. "I hate you!"

Sabrina sighs out with her eyes closed, hearing how she cries in the bathroom. "You want to end up getting shipped off kid?! Is that what you want?!" Sabrina calls out, Annabelle just screaming out loudly as she cries. "You're making this harder on yourself! Just give up the damn recipe—"


Sabrina turns to face Rita, seeing how she looks between her and the closed bathroom door. "What?!"

"Why are you yelling at the kid? And why is she crying?"

"I don't have time for this." Sabrina goes to brush past Rita, her going to leave out of the room.

"You stop right there, Sabrina!" Rita states firmly, Sabrina's jaw clenching before turning to face her. "Why is she crying?"

"Her parents are dead, pretty sure that's why."

"You told her about her dead parents?!"

"So what you want me to lie to her?"

"Sabrina the child is four years old! Four!" Rita exclaims. "You can't break her more than she is already broken otherwise you are going to get nothing from her!"

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