Ch. 50: What to do...What to do...

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(1 week later.....)


Sam and Susan both lay in the bed together, both of them being in Sam's room. Both of them are just in their undergarments, Susan being laid on her back with Sam at her side.

He is laid on his side, looking down at Susan. Her face is a little flushed, her long ginger hair looking like a halo since it is sprawled out above her head all around the pillow. Her lips being swollen from the rough make out sessions they have been doing, her hips and legs sore from the events that occurred in this very bed, her muscles being lightly ached from the various different positions.

Susan's fingers trace over his tattoo on his chest of a bird, her eyes closing when he puts his lips against hers. His kisses have been different for the past few days, it being more passionate and meaningful, and honestly it makes Susan melt every time he kisses her like this. It isn't rough or demanding, but it is just as intense, but it being intense with emotions and feelings, emotions and feelings that are mutual.

The past week has consisted of Susan carefully questioning Sam to try and pry some answers out of him. He knows how to dodge specific questions, answering a question without actually answering the question, and some he does answer.

She admits...

He's good.

It is some baiting questions she does ask as well to test his honesty, and honestly she hates it when he answers truthfully every single time, it only proving his point when he says he doesn't lie, only making things harder for her.

She doesn't have the guts to just plain out ask him about him being ScarFace, or why he killed her brother. She doesn't know what would happen to her or her friends if she asked that, if he would consider her to much of a threat to keep her alive.

Or she doesn't know if she has the balls to ask him in the first place.

Despite her feelings...she still has a fear of Sam, a fear that grew ever stronger after finding out who he truly was, what he does. And despite the fear she finds herself his bed, enjoying the passionate deep kisses that he places on her neck.

She knows Danny is probably disappointed in her right now, seeing how she is sleeping with his murderer. What is her mother thinking right now? Susan knows she isn't to ecstatic either.

But she must do this.

That is what she keeps telling herself.

"What's on that mind of yours?" Sam cuts her thoughts short. "I can hear your mind gears working."

Susan smiles lazily at him. "You."

Sam smiles more at her. "Oh yeah?"


"What about?"

"Why are you leaving tonight? You didn't say exactly." Susan tries to pry. He made it known that he will be gone for a few days after Santiago gets back with Mikayla for 'business', and Susan wants more information because she is almost certain it is a job.

A ScarFace kind of job.

"I did though, it's business." Sam responds.

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