Ch. 45: Reveals

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(A few weeks later)


"Good morning Doctor Brenner." The woman at the receptionist desk greets.

"Good morning." Brenner smiles, his brown hair being gelled back and him in a grey suit. He goes in the elevator, him riding it down to the basement floor. He inputs the code of permission to enter the basement floor, the elevator doors soon opening.

"Perfect. Send a car when it is all prepared." Ryan says, him hanging up his phone and looking towards the door when it opens, Brenner coming inside. "Just in time. My men are arranging a safe house, so I'll be out of here in a few weeks time."

"Good. However I'm still trying to figure out what you have planned when it comes to Sam." Brenner's hands go in his pockets. "The last thing I want is the most feared man in all Europe...the Sicilian Mafia leader being after me."

"Relax yourself, your name is not even in the mix nor will it ever be." Ryan simply replies. "And when it comes to the plan have patience. Patience leads to success my friend, ever heard of that one?"

"Trust me I do have patience, otherwise I wouldn't be hiding you out in my Laboratories." Brenner simply replies. "Just do whatever you have to do that way I can get my end of the bargain, and leave my name out of it."

"Yeah pretty sure that was the end of the deal."

Brenner rolls his eyes, Ryan limping lightly as he walks on the other side of the room. "How's the leg?"

"It'll live."

"So the sister shot you, Maxine."

"Yeah. The bitch that killed my mother."

"Why did she kill your mother?"

Ryan looks over at him. "I thought we agreed on no questions."

"You can't blame me for being curious."

"Okay fine. Then I guess you don't mind me asking what you need twenty million for when it comes to your 'experiments'." Ryan quotes with his fingers, Brenner growing silent. "Exactly. We both know what we want when it comes to the deal, no need to add unnecessary questions to the mix."

Brenner rolls his eyes as he turns back over to the door. "Please be gone in the next few weeks."

"Yeah man whatever." Ryan simply replies, him answering his phone when it rings. "Hello?"

"Sir. You asked us to find Foxtrot for another favor but it seems as if someone else has already found him."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"I'll send you the attachment, Boss."

Ryan looks down at his phone, him seeing the photo of Foxtrot dead. His wrists and ankles are nailed to the wall, leaving him in a X position. "What the hell?"

"This must be Sam, boss. He left a very clear message as you can see."

Ryan looks on Foxtrots arms and legs, four words being on each limb.

You can't hide forever.

Ryan's jaw tenses hard, him putting the phone back to his ear. "Prepare more safe houses and areas all around America for me. The Body Hunter is with him, which means I need to be from place to place without being seen or staying at one place for too long, the woman is like a human body tracker."

Mafia Chain: ScarFace Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora