Ch. 36: The Stories of our Lives

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(A few weeks later....)


Sam sits in his office in his usual attire of a suit and vest, him being in a dark blue suit and vest. He sits leaned back, his elbow being rested against the armrest of the chair, his other hand being on his thigh while he stares at his laptop, looking at all of the different inventory armory reports.


Sam looks towards his opened door, Santiago and Victoria coming inside of the office. "How is Romania looking?"

"Doing good, clubs and casinos are operating well." Victoria replies.

"And the pit has been completed. All of the ones loyal to Gil here and in the pits, and trust me they are already begging for mercy." Santiago adds in.

"Good, let's not give them any." Sam simply answers.

"I'm back!" Luciano smiles as he comes inside of the office in a suit and tie. "Deals are good contracts are signed here." He places the contracts down. "Man aren't I good? I mean even my voice has them on the edges of their seats."

Sam as well as Victoria and Santiago roll their eyes. "Everyone sign the contracts?"

"Not quite." Luciano points. "Land rulers of Portugal and Norway didn't want to agree to the deal."

"Then we take them to court. Send the details to the counselor's email." Sam replies.

"You got it. Oh look who's back!" Luciano smiles.

Sabrina comes inside of the room with all black leather attire, her long brown hair being bone straight down her back.

"Hot damn girl." Victoria winks at her.

Sabrina gives her a wink back, her crossing her arms. "Based on my sources in America, Ryan is on ground, hidden. He has ones assisting him but who? I have no clue. He knows he can't leave America without being caught so most likely the way this is going to go is that he is just going to hide out until he is cornered, which is going to take a hot minute since he is in hiding along with help."

Sam sighs out in pure frustration. "Is Gil not saying anything else?"

"Gil and Neil both said how he came to them with the terms of helping him lure Susan to take her and in return Gil would get his lands and Neil would get her to himself." Santiago replies. "It seems like Ryan had no plans on keeping them alive for long."

"Yeah he even admitted that he was going to kill them both, he wouldn't have given them both any important information about his hideout places." Sam states. "Despite the fact I hate the bastard Ryan is smart, it is going to take a long minute to find him. Hopefully, Charles won't take long to find him. Until then Victoria I want you to keep digging on any kind of information on him. Anything that you can find that will give us a clue on where he might be."

"You got it." Victoria responds.

"You all can get some rest, I know you all have been going at it nonstop for these past few weeks." Sam motions.

"Yeah I need to get laid." Luciano stretches out.

"Luca you're a walking disease." Sabrina rolls her eyes as she walks out.

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