Ch. 38: Different Conversations

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As soon as the door to the VIP room opens to the nightclub Susan is immensely amazed, the blue lights being everywhere giving the large space a ambient relaxing looking vibe, music already being played in the room, which is more soft and lower than the music playing all around the nightclub that everyone downstairs dances to.

Susan walks inside of the room with a smile, her eagerly looking around everywhere, Sam's hands being in his pockets while he walks with the man that clearly works here.

"Thanks for bringing the scotch and wine in." Sam states.

"Of course, sir. Would you like anything else? Some food perhaps?"

"I'll let you know."

"Of course, sir."

Sam looks towards Susan after the man leaves out of the door, him shutting it behind him. He goes over to the alcohol table, him going to pour him a glass of scotch and him pouring Susan a glass of white wine.

He goes to take out his phone when it rings, him putting it to his ear while Susan takes her wine glass. "Tori." Sam acknowledges.

"Hey boss man I got something for you."

"What is it?"

"Well while Sabrina was searching for Ryan she found out that Ryan was married, or is married I guess. Rumor has it he had a daughter."

Sam's eyebrows furrow. "I want them found. If we have to use them to draw Ryan out then so be it."

"Already working on it, it took a long minute to find a secret marriage license. Riley is the name of the wife it looks like...then Annabelle is the daughter's name, that's all I know right now. I'll try and dig up as much as I can."

"Alright, let me know if you find anything."

"Will do."

Susan watches as he hangs up the call, his eyebrows being a little knitted at the middle. "Everything okay?"

Sam nods. "Apparently Ryan has a wife and daughter."

Susan's eyes widen lightly. "And they know what he has been doing?"

"Probably not." Sam replies.

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