Ch. 19: Questions and Seductions

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The car goes to pull into the driveway of the house, the lights turning off in the car before Jared leaves out of his car, him looking down at his phone while shutting the door with his foot, him going to put his phone to his ear, the line ringing and ringing before it goes to voicemail.

"Hey this is Susan. Sorry I couldn't get to the phone. Leave your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as I can."

"Susan I know it's late." Jared goes to put his keys in the door. "Just call me whenever you get this, I really need to talk to you." He goes to get inside of the house, him closing the door behind him. "That mob boss is a fucking cold blooded murderer."

"That's rude."

Jared jumps out of his skin, him quickly turning on the light to see Sam sitting on the couch in the living room, him softly petting the cat that is on his lap, it meowing softly. Jared goes to slowly take his phone away from his ear, Sam just sending him a wicked smile.

"Hello Jared." Sam smiles.

Jared goes to quickly take out his gun and point it at Sam. "You break into my home?!"

"Don't be so dramatic now." Sam rolls his eyes.

"How did you get in?!"

"Very cautiously."

"Hands up." Jared motions with his gun. "You're under arrest."

Sam chuckles, him going to stand up and place the cat down on the floor. "Nice cat you got there."

"I said hands up asshole!" Jared yells. "You're under arrest! For killing my friend and breaking into my home! So what?! You trying to kill me next?! Are we getting close to putting you behind bars so you're trying to kill all of us detectives now?!"

Sam just clicks his tongue with a smile, him going to walk over to Jared.

"Don't you come any closer—"

"You really wanna shoot me?" Sam goes to stand in front of Jared, the end of the gun being against Sam's chest. "I mean you can. But if you do my people will know I died and from there they will find out it was you. And for punishment of that your sister would be first to die, oh and her friends." He shrugs. "You sure you want to go down that path?"

Jared's jaw tenses hard while staring at Sam. "You bastard."

Sam simply slaps the gun away from Jared, making the gun fall and slide across the hard tiled floor. Sam just sighs while his hands go into his pockets. "Does it look like I'm here to kill you?"

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