Ch. 88: Regrets

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                            (A few days later....)



"Maxine?!" Sam questions frantically as he looks around, him going to begin running quickly over to Maxine, but her constantly getting farther and farther away from him the closer he comes. "Wait! Please wait!"

"You're just like him Sam. You're just like Dad."

"No." Sam cries. "Please don't say that."

"You're just like him."

"I'm scared of you."

"You are a reflection of Dad."

"I'm scared to be around you."

"You suffocated me."

"You're a suffocation pit."

"My death was relieving to me."

"No!" Sam falls on his knees while crying hard, his hands fisting in his hair while putting his head against the ground. "Please stop! Please stop! I'm sorry!"

"I'm so sorry!"

"I'm sorry!"

Sam gasps awake, his skin having a light coat of sweat as well as beads of sweat on his forehead.


Sam turns to look at Susan, her staring at him in concern while she holds Elio, a towel covering Elio's head as she breastfeeds him. Sam looks down at Lorenzo, him being sound asleep in the bed, Sam slowly going to run a hand through his hair while his eyes go to close.

"You alright?" Susan asks, but she already knows the answer. He always wakes from some nightmare every night, it has been happening for the past few days to where he only gets broken hours of sleep. She can tell the pain and the guilt is getting to him, much more than she likes to let on, and she is trying to help him through it but she doesn't know how.

Sam nods, him getting up from the bed. "What time is it?"


Sam nods again with his eyes closed, him walking over to the bathroom. "I'm gonna...shower."

Susan nods, her staring at him in concern as he walks over to the bathroom. She knows things are hitting him like a ton of bricks now, because for the past year he has been working non stop on finding out who the KingPin was and working to take him down. But since that is all over then things are setting in even more so.

Sam steps inside of the glass box shower after stripping down, him leaning his hands against the glass and letting the water pour on the back of his head and back.

"Maxine." He goes to stand up. "I didn't mean to—"

"Don't come near me Sam." Maxine puts her hand out. "My....I'm shaking right now being in the same room as you, don't come near me."

"I didn't mean to." Sam shakes his head. "I'm sorry I...I would never hurt you Little M. Never."

"It's not even the fact you pushed me Sam, it's the fact that I don't even know who you are anymore. This man....this man I have been seeing for the past year and a half...ever since Susan left he's....this isn't my brother. And you know who I saw? I saw Dad."

Sam's thoughts are cut off when he feels Susan's soft hands slowly go down his back, her nails tracing over his large ScarFace tattoo. "It's Tala's funeral today."

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