Ch. 63: Confinement

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Santiago makes his way to his room halfway across the Villa, him going to open the door, seeing the guard standing in the room while Mikayla sits on the bed with her head down, her body clearly shaking in fear. Tape is still around her ankles and wrists, her still being in her wine red robe, the tape being over her mouth as well.

"Why is the tape on her still?" Santiago asks. "I told you to take it off of her."

"She wouldn't stop fighting." The guard states.

Santiago goes to crouch down in front of her while taking out his pocket knife, that making Mikayla release a scared sound while backing away from him, Santiago's eyes furrowing when he sees a purple fresh bruise on her cheek, her eyes being teary and holding fear.

"Did you hit her?" He looks over at the guard.

"She wouldn't stop fighting." The guard says again.

Santiago's expression turns angered, him going over to the guard. The guards eyes widen when Santiago goes to grab his shirt by his hands, picking him up completely and slamming him against the wall.

Mikayla jumps from the loud noise, Santiago beginning to punch the guard making him groan in pain, letting him know and the guard hitting the ground hard on his side.

"Since when was it right to hit women? Did I miss a memo?" Santiago simply questions.

The guard groans while going to sit up, him holding his bloodied broken nose. " sir."

"Then you do not hit a woman! Especially when they are bound and can't even defend themself!"

"I'm sorry sir—"

"Get the fuck out of my sight!" Santiago yells, his outburst making Mikayla shrink back a little. "I'll deal with you later."

The guard nods, him getting up and going to leave out of the room.

Santiago goes over to Mikayla, her beginning to shake more. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to take this off of you." He assures.

Mikayla's eyes are filled with fear but also exhaustion, her body being sore from all of her constant moving and fighting, her cheek hurting from the punch the guard gave to her, her head pounding from her hard and scared cries.

Santiago goes to use the pocket knife to first take the tape off of her ankles, her immediately tucking her feet under her bottom, him going to cut the tape off of her wrists.

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