Ch. 66: Anger Is Weakness

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Charles and Caesar walk on down the long hallway. "Let me know when Sam's people get here."

"Yes boss." Caesar answers.

Charles goes to make his way on up the stairs in the large Manor, him going over first to the nursery room, him quietly going inside to see Lucas sleeping soundly in his cradle, the soft baby music playing lowly in the room. He leaves out of the room after a minute, him going over to him and Sue's room.

Sue puts on her robe, her hair being up and her applying her skincare to her face, her looking when Charles come inside of the bathroom. "Welcome back."

Charles's strong arms go around her, giving her a soft kiss on her cheek, her leaning against him with her eyes closed. "Had some business to take care of. You look exhausted."

"Yeah, our son has been keeping me up since you've been gone, not letting me get any sleep." Sue comments.

"He noticed daddy missing." Charles smiles.

"Well whatever it is I'm handing the Baton to you, I need sleep, Charles."

"I'll let you get it, I can handle it. I don't have anymore meetings out of town." Charles says.

"Good." Sue turns around to face him. "It's only right you get a day with him since you kidnapped me kept me captive here and knocked me up."

"Yeah but you fell in love with me in the process of it all." Charles shrugs simply in reply. "And I'm sure I didn't hear you complain when I was knocking you up, in fact you didn't want it to stop. Wasn't that your words?"

Sue rolls her eyes while he chuckles. "I'm going to bed." Charles slaps her ass while she brushes pass him, the action making her jump hard from the sudden action. "Ow Charles!"

"You didn't want it to stop last time." Charles sends her a wink.

"I can't with you." She shakes her head, her plopping down on the bed.

Charles snickers, him bringing his phone to his ear when it rings. "Yeah?"

"Boss, they're here." Caesar tells him.

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute. Direct them to the front steps and let the guards know to bring out the cargo."

"Yes Boss."

Charles puts his phone into his pocket, him going to grab the baby monitor from the nightstand before leaving out of the room, Sue already being asleep on the bed.

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