Ch. 67: Complicated

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Sam smokes his cigar with a clear irritated expression on his face, Ryan's words ringing in his mind over and over again.

" wasn'" Ryan breaths. "I didn't...screw—"

"BULLSHIT!" Sam exclaims, him punching him right in the stomach.

"Wait hold on." Maxine holds her hand out. "What do you mean?"

"It's....him. You all are....I need to....protect them." Ryan breaths, his half lidded eyes going to slowly close. "He's....dangerous don't know....what's coming...he'll....destroy you..."

"What the fuck did he mean?" Sam sneers to himself, him pacing to and fro behind his desk, Maxine being in the office with him.

Maxine sits on the couch, a clear deep in thought expression being on her face. "Mom wouldn't be proud of me."

"What?" Sam turns to look at her.

"The way I lost my control and let my anger take over, she wouldn't be happy about that." Maxine comments. "She wouldn't be happy with us. Anger is a weakness, self-control is a strength. Calmness is a mastery. We're suppose to follow that, we promised her."

"Maxine he hurt you! Tried to kill you!" Sam exclaims angrily. "He tried to kill me! He is a greedy bastard that would've been just like Dad!"

"I understand that, Sam! Truly I do!" Maxine exclaims back. "But he is now dead and there might be someone else who is trying to take you down! Think about what he said! He kept saying it was him and that he is dangerous!"

"I'm sure he would've said anything to save himself." Sam states. "Things are probably going to return back to normal now that he is dead! Either that or there is more goons that are loyal to him and finishing his dirty work."

"Sam Ryan was an arrogant bastard that loved to take the credit on everything that he did." Maxine states. "I really don't think that we should ignore this, I really don't. Something doesn't seem right, Sam. He looked desperate."

"Of course he did! He was staked to the wall!" Sam exclaims.

"No that's not what I meant....okay you just need to calm down." Maxine rolls her eyes.

"I don't need to fucking calm down!" Sam exclaims madly.

"But you know I'm right." Maxine simply says. "Yes I wish all of this would be over when we got done killing him but something tells me that it isn't, something is telling me that he is telling the truth! Prime example! Why would he hide out in America?! We have no power in America we wouldn't have been able to find him without Charles! So why hide out when he got there?! He could've roamed freely and we still would've had a hard time finding him because America isn't our territory! It was probably someone else that he was hiding from! Including us!"

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