Ch. 75: Bad News

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"Hold up wait wait wait!" Victoria starts, most to all of them being in the control room while Luciano talks with them to update them about the mission. "Ryan's wife and daughter are alive?!"

"Well...she isn't alive now, the wife that is." Luciano replies. "This KingPin already knew where she was and that we would be coming there and he had her killed before she could say anything, claimed she knew to much."

"Dammit this isn't good." Zayn sighs out. "Between us being back to square one and Sam not doing good....things just aren't good."

"Which is why you all should stay for longer." Luciano directs at Rita and Zayn. "Sabrina won't be around here much because she is going to be with Maxine mostly with good reason."

"We're definitely staying." Zayn states. "Okay for now we need to focus our attention on finding the daughter now."

"I'll focus my attention on the daughter."

All eyes turn to Sabrina, Maxine standing beside her. "I'll find her, you all still focus on finding out what the hell this recipe is and getting the trackers out of those weapons to make the proper orders and deliveries. We need to get this done as quickly as possible and kill two birds with one stone."

"Copy that." They reply.

"So....are you really going to break free from the Mafia Chain after this mission is completed?" Victoria questions.

"You all were ease dropping?"

"It's kind of hard not to when you're yelling, darling." Luciano replies.

Sabrina rolls her eyes. "Yes, yes I will be."

"You can't do that." Darian sighs. "What if he goes off the rails again? Besides Rita you are the only one that can derail him."

"Which can't keep fucking happening, I ain't his mother, and definitely not his keeper." Sabrina firmly replies. "Which is why I'm giving you all the choice. If he remains like this then you all can break free too, and if it comes down to that you all can join me and my line of work. Your identities can be kept secret, but he needs to realize no one will work with him if he continues on this streak."

"But....Sam has done so much for us." Viking mentions. "We can't...we can't just leave."

"The choice is you alls, I'm just giving you all the option for your own personal decisions." Sabrina simply says.

"You're still....gonna come around right?" Victoria asks.


"You alright, Maxine?" Luciano asks.

"I'm okay." She answers softly. "I'm just...I'm just tired."

All of them go over to her to hug her, Maxine going to hug them all back.

Rita goes to hug Sabrina. "I'm proud of you. I've always been so proud of you."

Sabrina nods in reply. "Sorry to rain the madman all into your hands."

"Eh, I can handle him." She shrugs. "You just focus on Maxine and finding this little girl, I'll be here making sure things get done."

"Thanks Auntie." Sabrina says. "Come on Maxine."

Maxine nods, her going to follow Sabrina out of the control room.

"Let's go on and try and get this mission completed as soon as possible." Luciano says. "When we went there these guys drove off in a bulletproof car, a type of car that you can get—"

"If you're apart of the authorities." Viking finishes. "Higher up authorities."

"Exactly." Luciano replies.

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