Ch. 73: Alive

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Susan and Mikayla both sit on the couch while watching Brett and Sasha play with Lorenzo and Vincent on the rug, playing with their toys along with them, watching how they crawl over to them and how they smile from ear to ear from the fun they are having.

"Can I ask you something?" Mikayla questions.


Mikayla looks down, playing with the strings of her gym shorts that she wears. "Does....getting close to someone like scare you? Like romantically?"

"Ever since Neil yeah." Susan replies. "And ever since....well—"

"I'm sorry that was such a dumb question to ask."

"No it's fine, Mikayla." Susan says. "Seems like I only fall for the crazy ass controlling one's."

"You love him?" Mikayla asks.

"I....I don't know." Susan replies.

Mikayla sighs softly. "But what if...what if they're good and you see that but even still....there's something like....blocking you from wanting to get close?"

"That's a little something called your defense system, sometimes it's both your strength and downfall." Susan responds. "After Neil...I builded up my walls that way no one can pass them, especially any kind of man. That's why it look me while to warm up to you and Sasha. And well....I don't like going into Sam."

"I understand." Mikayla mentions. "Thank god for Luca huh?"

"Yeah thank god for him." Susan chuckles softly.

"Hey guys." Victoria comes into view. "Thank you all for watching him. Do you all mind still? It's all hands on deck right now."

"Sure." Brett replies.

"Thanks. If you all can feed him in like...twenty." She looks down at her watch.

"We will." Sasha responds while holding Vincent.

"So you are the infamous Brightest Counselor in all Europe."

Susan turns around, her being met with Rita. She must admit she is a beautiful woman, her knight Raven hair being up in a high ponytail, frame and body clearly toned and her holding more muscle on her arms then the average woman, face free of makeup but her skin still flawlessly unblemished.

"And you must be Rita Mane, Zayn's wife I presume." Susan says back. "Lieutenant of the US Army, and aunt of Sam and Maxine since you were Roger and Meredith's older sister. Which I am assuming Roger is Sabrina's father since Meredith was Sam and Maxine's mother, and since you only have three daughters...Esther, Remedy and Tala Mane." She states.

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