Ch. 32: Extractions

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Susan's stomach growls in hunger, her head occasionally hanging low from her exhaustion, but her quickly waking herself up when she realizes that her body is trying to rest, her telling herself that she will not close her eyes for one second.

She is proud for how calm she is keeping herself, her assuring herself that she activated the tracker so any minute of anytime Sam will be showing up. She knows that Sam himself kidnapped her so it isn't her first kidnapping, but one thing she does know for certain is that Sam needs her for his conquest to take over certain lands and territories of Europe legally in order to rule the entire continent in Europe in the underworld, and he needs her for that, and one thing she has grown to learn is that Sam is a man of his word, and a man who does not stop until he gets what he wants.

She is an asset to him, so she knows he isn't going to just leave her to die.

And honestly, part of her even wonders if it is more. When he comforted her and walked with her at the hospital she saw a different side to him she hasn't seen before, a side that she feels like he doesn't let people see. It was a soft side, a comforting side, a side she would like to see more of. She wonders if she means more to him than a counselor helping him getting territories that he wants.

Yes, he claims her as his, and honestly those words always makes her shutter, makes butterflies erupt in her stomach, but is it just out of possession? Or is it more?

Even if and either way, he needs her and Susan is certain that she will be saved, so she tells herself not to panic. And even if he does just view her as a possession, at least he treats her like a person, and at least he hasn't lifted a finger on her. Because even though he did kidnapped her, held her captive and practically forced her to work for him....

She hasn't felt in danger around him.

She thinks back to the promise that he made her when she told him all about Neil and her past in regards to him. She hopes and prays that he will keep it, because she doesn't know what she will do if he doesn't, or what her future will uphold if he doesn't.

Susan looks towards the door when it opens, Gil coming inside of the room holding a tray of food and a bottled water. Susan just glares at him as he shuts the door behind him, him walking over to her.

"Hello, counselor." Gil smiles at her in greeting, him setting down the tray of food and water in front of her, one of her hands being cuffed to the pole now for one of her hands to be free to eat.

Susan just continues to glare at him hard, and despite how scared and nervous she is right now she doesn't show it.

Gil just chuckles at her. "Awe don't be like that." Susan just kicks the tray of food away from her. "You're only hurting yourself. Do I need to bring your ex in here to put you back in line?" Susan's jaw tenses, her heart beginning to beat more faster and faster. "If I were you I would make this process easy for you. Do what you need to do for me and Ryan to get what we want, and maybe just maybe we'll have a change of heart of giving you to your ex."

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