Ch. 21: Siding With The Enemy?

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Sam sits in the backseat of the police car, his hands being cuffed behind him. He just looks out of the window with a simple neutral expression on his face, Jared frequently looking at him through his rearview mirror.

"What did you do to brainwash Susan?" Jared questions.

"The counselor doesn't need any brainwashing. She's smart." Sam simply answers.

Jared pulls in front of the police station, press already being at the front of the station. Jared is first to get out, him opening the backseat door and Sam going to leave out of the car, different questions beginning to be thrown their way as different amounts of flashes happen from pictures being taken, cameras going into faces and microphones to mouths, Jared motioning for the cops outside to keep the press at bay.

"Is this officially Sam Mayfield's arrest?"

"Has proof of his Mafia dealings been found?"

"Was he really responsible for the murders of Daniel Norris and Walter Steven's?"

"Mister Mayfield over here!"

Jared gets inside of the station along with Sam, two other cops beginning to follow Jared. "I hope you like jail cells, because that is where you are going to spend your time at."

"Am I now?" Sam questions.

"Detective!" The chief calls out, him going over towards Jared. "What is this?"

"Am arrest, Chief. You saw the crime photos of the other body of Walter Steven's and his wife." Jared answers. "His name is on both of their bodies as well as on Daniel's body."

The chief sighs out, him giving a look to Sam while Jared leads Sam to his desk. "There isn't enough evidence, detective."

"It's enough." Jared simply replies. "So what, Sam? You're content because you already have your third victim checked off? Think you are getting out of this one now?"

"I'm sorry, are you questioning my client without his lawyer present?"

Jared and the chief as well as the other cops look when Susan and the others reveal themselves, Susan standing in the middle of the group while Santiago, Luciano, Darian and Viking are at her left while Sabrina, Maxine and Victoria and Brett are at her right side, Susan going to cross her arms while standing confidently in the middle.

Sam only just smiles to himself, him quirking an eyebrow in amusement.

"Last time I checked a name written on a victims body isn't strong enough evidence to put a man behind bars." Susan starts. "Sure it's enough to bring him in for questioning but most definitely not enough to have a warrant out for arrest, which I know you don't even have since you weren't flashing it when you were putting my client in cuffs, isn't that right?"

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