Ch. 35: Conferences

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Charles sits in the conference meeting room along with Caesar Henderson, Charles Senior, Tracy and Philip Bingham and Wayne Munson and some others along the body of the American Mafia, Charles sitting at the head seat.

Charles leans forward in his chair, him clasping his hands together. "As you all well know yes...Gil was killed by Sam Mayfield when he came here."

"I knew he would be up to no good! I told you this!" Charles Senior exclaims.

"Pipe the fuck down father!" Charles states firmly. "Him and that US Marshall kidnapped his counselor, in which he had equal right to retaliate since one of his own was taken."

"Are you seriously believing him?!"

"Gil was a crazy ass bastard, crazier than me, he did crazy things." Charles states simply. "He wasn't particularly to happy with that lawyer won the case and his stolen land was taken away from him! It is not surprising that he would go this far with kidnapping the lawyer to take what he had! He brought it on himself!"

"You're telling me that you are not going to seek revenge?!"

"I will not send my people through a bloodbath nor risk lives for something my brother brought on himself!" Charles exclaims. "If you want to then be my guest, my guess is that he is already back in Europe, and if you or any of your men step foot in that continent he will know of it and have you all killed. Which will be out of my reach, I don't control shit in Europe."

"He killed your brother!"

"Again, my brother brought it on himself." Charles shrugs simply. "I did however issue a ban order against him, he is not allowed back on American soil, and he knows if he ever steps foot back in America he will be killed."

"I feel that is fair." Caesar nods.

"Fair?! Fair?!" Charles Senior exclaims. "He killed my son! YOUR brother CJ!"

"As I said he was a crazy ass man!" Charles exclaims back with crossed arms. "You know the kind of things he did to where I had to kick him out for the greater good!"

"He is still family!"

"Not any family of mine."

Charles Senior just stands up with an angered expression on his face. "Hopefully Charles the third your heir will have a better view and understanding on family and how important it is!"

"First of all if I ever have a son why in the fuck would I name him after you?" Charles questions. "Secondly family or not...Gil was into some shady brutal ass shit! And I will not condone or seek revenge for a slob like him! Like I said! If you want to go up against the most feared man in Europe be my guest, but you will be fooling you and your peoples lives, I will not doom mine by crossing into territories that aren't my own! Get a grip father or get the fuck out."

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