Ch. 84: Simultaneous Plans

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Ethan lays in his bed in his cell, him having a book held over his head reading it, him going to turn the page to the book. Him being in orange prison pants and a white snug fitted muscle shirt, running a hand through his pompadour brown hair, his one green eye slowly scanning through the page to read it, his other eye being a clouded kind of color that he can barely see out of.

He raises up when his cell door opens, two guards coming inside of the cell. "What is this?"

"Come with us, Mister Low." One of the guards state.

Ethan goes to slowly stand up, him going to follow the two out of the cell. He walks the long hall and down other halls leading to a visitation room, the guard going to open the door for Ethan. "My sister just normally comes to my cell."

"Go in." The guard motions.

Ethan looks towards the door before he goes in, him looking back when the guards close the door behind him.


Ethan turns around, his eyebrows furrowing when he sees the man standing at the other side of the table.


Jared stands with his hands in his pockets, his badge being clipped to the waistband of his suit pants, his gun in his holster at his side. "I need something of you, Ethan."

"And why would I do that?" Ethan questions irritably. "You're the reason why I am in here in the first place."

"No actually, you are the reason why you are in here, why you can only see out of one eye now." Jared motions, Ethan's jaw clenching hard. "You got caught on an uncover mission, seems as if you're not good at those."

"I'm military asshole, I can show you right now how military is trained twice as better as detectives."

"You can, but that'll just land you extra time in here." Jared shrugs. "How would you like to get out of here, Ethan? And not only that be set for life? Not having to look over your shoulder, not having to take anymore jobs if you don't choose to. Just you and your money reward by just doing one final simple job."

Ethan lifts his chin lightly, his arms going to cross. "What's the job?"

"It has to do with your older sister, the Body Hunter."

"Don't know what you mean."

"Oh come on Ethan." Jared laughs. "My friends and sister were within the crew so they've told me things, don't fake and pretend like you don't even know."

"You didn't answer my question, what's the job?"

"To kill her." Jared reveals, Ethan's eyes widening lightly. "More specifically....the Boss wants her killed."

"Your in...."

"You'll find out if you kill her."

Ethan stares at Jared for a moment, his lips being firmed into a thin line as his head begins to think. "You want to know something, Jared?"

"What's that?"

"When Sam was putting a goddamn cigarette in my eye she just stood there and didn't do nothing! Nothing at all!" Ethan states madly. "He could've been killing me and she would've stood there, so yeah....yeah I'll take the job, and I'll do so with fucking pleasure."

Jared stares at Ethan for a moment before he nods his head with a smile. "Alright then..." he nods. "Let's see if you can handle another uncover mission, Ethan."

Ethan lifts his chin lightly, his arms going to cross more in reply.


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