Ch. 98: Training Sessions

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Lorenzo and Vincent fight against each other in the ring, Sam and Viking observing them as they do, Elio and Victor being at the other boxing ring fighting and the other kids with the exception of Annabelle and Max being in the room exercising, doing their daily workouts.

Annabelle is now 17 years old and Lorenzo and Vincent being 15 years old, Elio and Victor being 13. The Quadruplets are 13 as well but just turning thirteen since they are a few months behind from Elio and Victor, Max and Niccolò being 11, while Atticus is 10 and Tequila is 9.

"So..." Vincent starts. "You think your sister likes me?"

"How would I know?" Lorenzo asks, him throwing a punch Vincent's way.

Vincent dodges the punch. "Well...I'm sure she takes extra time to look my way. Cause you know I'm handsome."

"Keep dreaming, Vin."

Vincent grunts when Lorenzo kicks him before punching him, Vincent hitting the ground.

"Vincent what's going on? This is the third time?!" Viking throws up his hands.

"He's fast, Dad!" Vincent defends while getting up.

"Hey we can always go again." Lorenzo holds out his arms with a smile on his face. Lorenzo has grown to be a good fighter, and he likes the attention he gets for it and the praise, him always wanting to come out on top and be the best. He likes to play games and concoct tricks, that is how he fights. He makes it seem like he is going to make one move but he does something totally different, and that is something Sam loves that he does, he makes next moves unexpected.

But that trick is still quite the hassle in school since he likes to concoct tricks on the students and even teachers for fun, making him land in the Principal's office almost every week.

"They could always go again." Sam looks over at Viking with a smile, Viking rolling his eyes making Sam laugh. "Good job, Enzo. But you are still fighting with anger when Vincent gets a punch in, that leaves you vulnerable in some points. Control that temper."

"Okay Dad." Lorenzo nods.

Victor grunts hard when he hits the ground, Elio running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Okay good." Darian nods. "Go at it again."

"Again?!" Victor exclaims while getting up. "The guy knows my every move! We're all too dumb to fight him!"

"Don't worry, I only have a IQ of 129." Elio shrugs.

"See?!" Victor exclaims.

"Again go!" Darian motions, Victor just sighing out before they both begin to fight again.

Sam goes over to Darian. "How are they doing?"

"Your second born is a freaking prodigy, seems like he knows Victor's next moves before he even makes them."

"Because he knows Victor well, he sees how he fights." Sam replies. Elio is not really one for fighting, he observes then takes down. It has taken a lot to train him physically not because he isn't good at it, because he isn't all that interested in fighting, and when something doesn't catch his interest he gets easily bored by it. But when it comes to his high IQ he quickly catches on to things he needs to learn, but him really being one for book-smart. He has an IQ of 129 which is very high, him choosing to do home school and him already being a senior in high school because of how smart he is, him particularly enjoying Science and Chemistry and Physics, all of the science subjects in school.

He's quiet and incredibly observant and knowledgeable, his brain being his weapon.

"Keep it up, Lio." Sam tells him, Elio nodding in reply.

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