Ch. 15: Girls Day

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Gil drives in his car while going to look down at his phone, him going to click on the contact before putting his phone to his ear, him waiting as the line rings and rings.

"Gil." The man acknowledges.

"They weren't even in the house!" Gil states madly. "Her friends are still alive! So that means that she is going to keep working for him! And since they are now under his protection there is nothing me and the rest of my men can do to get to her! I thought you said they were there!"

"They were, but they must've left."


"Relax, uncontrolled anger never solves anything." The man states simply. "The plan will still work, we still follow through and do what is according to plan, and soon I will have what I want and you will have that counselor of yours."

"Good." Gil says.

"I am also calling in someone that can help us just nicely."

"And who might that be?"

The man just chuckles over the line. "I am the event planner, all you have to do is show up and do as told. Soon enough we will all get what we want. I'll contact you soon."

"Wait—" Gil tries, him huffing out when the line disconnects. "So damn secretive."

Susan goes to leave out of the shower and wrap a towel around her waist, her going to begin doing her regular routine.

Having Sasha and Mikayla here with her make things better for her honestly, her actually feeling more relieved and more at ease with them here. She still has a little fear since Jared is out on his own but she knows he has his own protection since he is a detective, and she is sure criminals know that killing him would make things harder on them, and more prone for them to get caught and go off to prison.

She tells herself today not to even think about anything work or Sam related, she needs time to just unwind and pretend her world isn't as complicated as it is.

After she gets done with her routine she goes to put on peach and white plaid floral high rise shorts on, her putting on her white crop top as well. She puts on her white scandals to finish off the outfit, her going to put her hair up in a high ponytail due to the hot weather, her putting on her jewelry and perfume as well.

She goes over to her room door when a knock is heard on it, her smiling and opening it, seeing Sasha and Mikayla at the door.

"Who is ready to go shopping then go to the club?!" Sasha squeals in excitement.

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