Ch. 85: The Strength in Believing

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Sabrina sits in the abandoned store building with Ethan, Ethan crunching on some chips sitting across from her, her just sitting there in thought, the flashlight on the table shining up to the ceiling to provide them with light.

"Damn these chips are so good, thanks sis." Ethan says while chewing. "Prison food sucks ass by the way, this is like a breath of fresh air."

"So it was Jared that sent you here to kill me." Sabrina states.

"Yup." Ethan replies, him getting done with the bag of chips. "Said the Boss really ordered it. Which is probably—"

"KingPin Anonymous, it definitely is." Sabrina interrupts as she nods. "You didn't want to kill me?"

Ethan rolls his eyes. "Don't get me wrong you piss me off sister but you're my blood, my family. I would never think of killing you, I just had to make him believe that I would way I could come here and warn you about it."

Sabrina stares at him for a moment, her honestly surprised by his decision.

"A thank you would suffice." He shrugs with a smile.

Sabrina rolls her eyes. "I know who he is, KingPin Anonymous."

"Oh yeah?"

"Dean Higgins." Sabrina reveals. "It took a lot for my people to uncover because he hides it well within systems but the background check came back and he is really with the Ministry of Defense. He uses his Real Estate business to cover over it. This guy has mansions all around and chandeliers worth more than a year's worth of salary if he was just a Real Estate agent. Has a gun always on him, and definitely was shocked when he saw me come back after four months of disappearing and not staying in contact with the girls for two months, I wanted to see his reaction to confirm my suspicion. And plus the fact he sent to here to kill me, he doesn't want to do it himself in front of the girls, so he makes his flunkies or hires someone else to do it."

"Nice going." Ethan nods. "Wait hold on...the counselor and her friends are living with KingPin Anonymous right now?!"

"In one of his places yes, but they won't be harmed because they aren't the target, I am." Sabrina simply replies. "Plus he's annoyingly into the Counselor."

"I see." Ethan nods. "Jared struck me as a by the book type cop. I mean this guy threatened to put me in jail for the rest of my life if I didn't go to the Villa and uncover some dirty proof about Sam and his dealings to put him behind bars. Now this guy is a dirty cop working with a drug lord? Talk about switching up and going to the dark side."

"We need a plan." Sabrina states. "I would love to kill him right now but that isn't going to solve anything. Clearly he has power and influence so we need to do this carefully."

"We huh?" Ethan smiles as he questions, Sabrina rolling her eyes. "Oh come on this can be just like when we were kids and teenagers! How we always did little missions together! The iconic Low Duo."

"It sounds stupid now since we are in our twenties."

"Not to me, that was the best times I've had." Ethan shrugs. "But I digress, sister. What do we need to do to get this asshole? And bring down Jared for being with him? You're right we have to do things carefully, even more so carefully since the counselor and her friends are at one of his places. I mean this guy doesn't play, he kidnapped a whole four year old because of Ryan's screw up. I don't want them getting hurt if we don't play things carefully."

"We will play things carefully." Sabrina states firmly. "They'll be alright."

Ethan sighs, him running a hand through his hair. "Where is Sam if he is alive Sabrina? I mean you are certain that they all are....why isn't he here to help you then? I guess my question is that...are you certain they are or do you just want to believe that because it's easier than saying they're gone? And are you denying the fact that they are know gone?"

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