Ch. 94: The Mayfield Children

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(A few weeks later....)


Susan gets done doing her long routine of a spa day, her deciding that she definitely needed one for herself after she got the news.

Well....saw the news for herself.

She puts on her peach thin silk robe and ties it, her hair being in a neat donut bun at the top of her head, her fresh and sweet smell radiating off of her, her small length nails being a fresh color of gelled peach as well as her toenails, her skin glowing from the products she used and the face masks.

Susan goes over to the counter in the bathroom, her going to pick up the pregnancy test that she took earlier this morning.

The positive pregnancy test.

"I really need to start taking my birth control." Susan sighs out, her closing her eyes in stress. She doesn't even know how to even tell Sam. Things have been going so well and she really doesn't want to ruin it. They haven't even talked about anymore kids because honestly they weren't thinking on having anymore.

At least that is what Susan thinks since they haven't talked about it.

Maybe they would've talked about it when Lorenzo and Elio get a little older, but Lorenzo is still only three and Elio being one and a half.

"Oh dammit—"

"Hey Susan!"

Susan quickly turns around and hides the pregnancy test behind her, her just smiling at Brett who looks at her confused. "Hey there...bro."

"What the hell?" Brett asks. "Since when do you call me bro?"

"Erm..." she tries to think. "When we were kids?"

Brett furrows his eyebrows. "I finally convinced Dad to come down here. I'm still trying to convince him to get a place here but you know how stubborn the old man is."

"Yeah I do." She lightly laughs. "That's good. I still need to call him I haven't talked to him today. Just wanted to have a little spa day to myself."

"Uh huh." Brett slowly nods. "What's going on with you? What are you hiding behind your back?"

"What? No I'm not..I'm not hiding anything." Susan shakes her head.

"Susan...I'm your brother. I know when you're lying."

"Okay fine." She throws her hands up. "I'm pregnant again."

Brett eyes widen. "Again?!"


"Damn Sam's pull out game is so weak. I mean weren't Lorenzo and Elio not expected either?"

"Yeah....." Susan trails off, her clicking her tongue lightly. "I don't know what to do."

"Well you have to tell him."

"I know but I don't want to ruin things." Susan puts her hands on her face. "Things have been so good for us and....we haven't even talked about more kids! I mean...I honestly wouldn't have minded more kids! At least until Enzo and Lio got a little older."

"Well maybe he should pull out then."


"Hey just saying!" Brett holds out his hands. "You have to tell him, Susan."

"You're right." She sighs. "What if things won't be the same?"

"Susan I've seen the way he has been treating you, nothing will change the way that man feels about you." Brett says. "Stop worrying okay? I'm sure he'll be fine. And if he acts up let me know I'll punch him."

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