Ch. 52: The Escape Plan

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Sasha is in the bed with Susan, her back being leaned against the headboard of the bed. Susan's head is rested on Sasha's lap, Susan almost immediately falling asleep from her exhaustion when she got in the bed, Sasha softly scratching and combing through her hair as she sleeps.

"We'll get you out of here." Sasha whispers. "I'm so sorry babes, but it'll be okay. We're going to do all that we can."

It makes Sasha's heart break, because while checking on Susan she had to hold Susan's hair back as she threw up in the toilet, her knowing it is from both the pregnancy and from stress. She was finally able to get Susan in the bed and she is happy that she is getting sleep, the sun practically being close to going down.

She looks down at her phone when it dings, her looking down at the message. "Mikayla says she is on the way."

"Okay good." Brett responds, his back being turned to both of them. He is seated at the desk in the room, his notebook being open as he jots down the plan on paper, him needing to write it all out to organize his thoughts.

He finds himself zoning out for a moment, him closing his eyes while rubbing his forehead in stress. Out of all things he didn't know that Susan was going to tell him that Sam was ScarFace, and he doesn't doubt her, it is just taking a longer time for it to process, that he is his brothers killer. He practically knew that they were sleeping together ever since Susan was taking a long time to come out of the office that one night. Her whole face screamed that they slept together, and especially her behavior confirmed it thereafter, so he already knew that.

The pregnant part surprised him and definitely of Sam being ScarFace surprised him even more, that being something he wasn't expecting. It makes him ponder over so much, because when he first joined on being the 'American Smuggler' that Sam needed he immediately told Sam on how he wasn't going to kill innocent people, but Sam assured him he wouldn't have to because even him himself doesn't kill innocent people, and one thing Brett has learned about Sam through working with him for four years...

He doesn't lie.

At least that is what Brett thought.

He doesn't even know what to think, so he decides to not think at all about that particular subject, him picking up his pen and going back to writing.

Sasha slowly and gently takes Susan's head off of her lap, putting a pillow in her place and laying Susan's head down on it, Sasha going over to Brett and sitting beside him, seeing how he pops from stress pills in his mouth and swallows them down. "How's it coming along?"

"It's coming." He replies.

Sasha sighs a little. "Brett I'm...I can't fathom how you both must be feeling right now. Your brothers killer being...this close without anything you both can do I'm...I'm so sorry."

Brett shakes his head lightly, him running a hand through his hair for the upmost time. "I can't think about that right now, Sasha."

Sasha slowly nods. "Sorry."

"It's okay I know you're just apologizing, I appreciate that." Brett answers. "I just have to think about this and this only right now for my sister. I already failed her once when it came to Neil I can't fail her again."

"You didn't fail her, Brett."

"I did." He looks at her. "I'm her older brother I was suppose to be there for her during her hard times, protect her from dumbass guys, and I couldn't even tell that asshole was abusing her. He was always so goddamn fake to my face and I believed it, I fell for it. I told myself after that I wouldn't fail her again. Trust me I'm pissed..I am livid but I have to control my anger....I have to think about her."

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