Ch. 27: Sinful Things

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The moonlight is the only light in the room that Sam and Susan both sleep in, the blanket being over their lower bodies, Sam's arm being around her with her back being against his front.

Her eyes begin to slowly open, her feeling warm against him. She wipes her eyes, her looking back at Sam to see him sleeping peacefully.

And it is the first time she is able to just get a good look at him. If he isn't smiling cocky or arrogant like then it is just a normal regular neutral expression on his face, but right now he looks so peaceful. Some of his dirty blonde hair is on his forehead, his stubble being the perfect five o clock shadow look, Susan knowing that he trims it because of how perfect it looks. Even his eyelashes are beautiful, his perfect beige skin being unblemished and his smooth lips being in a fine line.

He looks peaceful.

She is tempted to run a hand through his hair, to get the hair away from his forehead but she doesn't, even though her hand itches to do it. Telling herself that she should go back to her room to call Mikayla and Sasha and to make sure she isn't caught by Brett she goes to try and raise up, Sam only groaning in complaint as his hand wraps more around her, pulling her back against him.

"Sam..." Susan starts. "I have to get back to my room—"

"Shhhhh." Sam hushes against the back of her neck, his eyes still being closed. "Go to sleep."

"I can't I have to go." Susan says. "I don't want him finding out about...this."

Sam chuckles against her neck. "And what is 'this' exactly?"

"What we're....doing...."

Sam smiles against her neck, him raising up and going to move her hair from away the side of her neck. He lets his bottom lip slowly glide and graze against the side of her neck, his warm breath sending a shiver down her spine, his arm he is laying on going to wrap around her waist to press her back against his front, his other hand sliding up the side of her thigh.

"Us fucking you mean?" He whispers in her ear, her thighs slowly beginning to shut as his hand trails up her thigh, feeling all around her soft skin. "Me fucking you into oblivion?"

Susan sucks in a breath, his leg going to hook over hers to bring her legs apart, his hand sliding down her nightdress.

It is then she wonders why the hell why she didn't just leave after she changed back into her clothes after they got done. She doesn't know why she looked at that signature smile of his, that luring smile and that luring voice of him telling her to stay and how he will...

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