Ch. 72: Back and Ready, Baby

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Lorenzo and Vincent play with their toys on the large rug in the middle of the living room, Brett Susan Mikayla and Sasha being on the couch talking with each other with either a beer bottle or wine glass in their hands.

"Then she just shot him! Like point blank just went like nope you know to much then bam." Sasha throws up her hand, her drinking down the rest of her wine. "Jesus that's the second time I've seen her kill somebody."

"And this is before or after you slept with her and she left you in handcuffs?" Susan asks.

"No now you make me feel bad." Sasha pouts.

"Sasha...I got pregnant from ScarFace, the man that killed my brother." Susan shrugs. "I'm not judging you. I'm just asking."

"Okay when you put it like that it does make me feel better." Sasha replies. "I don't know it's like....I don't know she's so...."

"Confusing?" Brett finishes for her.

"Yeah." Sasha sighs. "But even still....she knew I was lying she knew me and Mikayla were lying when we refused to say where you guys were or the plan we came up with, yet she didn't say anything to anyone."

"There's no use trying to figure it out, Sasha." Brett comments, Susan going to lean on him. "She's just as complex and complicated as a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle."

"Yeah true." Sasha shrugs. "Why can't everyone be like Santiago and Luca? That would make things very much easy. Or Maxine...even though at first she wanted our heads."

"How was things with Santiago when you all first got here, Mikayla?" Susan asks. "I know Sam is just trying to mess with me mentally and emotionally so getting to you guys would've gotten to me."

"Santiago has been....nothing but....good." Mikayla replies. "But I'm more worried about you, Susan. Trust us we're fine, we're worried about you."

Susan sighs a little, her letting Brett set down her wine glass. "I'm just glad you all are here with me, and I'm fine you guys."

"You look drained, Susan. Mentally drained." Brett comments.

Susan doesn't say anything for a few seconds, because she does, that is exactly how she feels. She is glad her friends are safe, she is glad Brett is safe and Luca is safe, but her mind still runs more and more on why Sam killed Danny, and not getting an answer for it is torturing her mentally speaking because she needs and wants closure from the situation but she can't get it unless finding out the truth on what happened.

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