Ch. 39: A New Guest

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(A few months later.....)


"We see that Susan Milling wins yet another case for Sam Mayfield, lands and territory in the country of Portugal going to him. This streak of lands being won in her and Mister Mayfield's name is putting them quite in the spotlight."

"You still have nothing?" Sam questions, him being on his private jet staring at the TV in front of him, watching the news reporter speak while videos and pictures of Sam and Susan leaving out of the courtroom and court house is shown.

The past few months have been productive ones when it comes to the lands and the territories that Sam wants, Susan winning case after case because she is always able to find something fishy on how the criminals got the lands in the first place, some even ending to where some of them got arrested, which makes her feel better.

When it comes to success in finding Ryan though...

Not so much.

"I assure you boss I'm doing what I can, but this guy is a Mayfield, so he is smart, he knows how to hide." Victoria explains. "He's been hiding for years without you and Maxine knowing that he was alive, he is definitely going to know how to hide out more. And judging by how I cannot find much...he is having help on hiding his personal life and himself."

"I know you are doing your best." Sam says, him looking over at Susan who begins to make some coffee at the kitchen area of the jet, her being in a black pencil skirt that comes a little above the knee and a peace colored blouse, and peace closed toed heels to compliment the blouse, her hair being in a high ponytail. "The more he is able to hide out without us finding him the more he has time to plan something else, and I'm not putting my sister up for bait again."

"I understand. Sabrina should be back from America around the same time you and the counselor get back, she should have some more information."

"Alright. Keep digging."

"Will do."

Sam puts his phone in his pocket, him going over to Susan. "Another one down."

"And like....three more countries to go." Susan holds her mug, stirring the creamer she put inside of her coffee. "How long do you think that is going to take?"

"Sweden and Poland are two large countries so it could take up to years, who knows." Sam shrugs. "Switzerland however is not a big country, so we'll do that one next since it won't take as long. Probably a few months."

Susan nods, her going to sip on her coffee after she gets gone stirring it. "Coffee?"

Sam shakes his head, him watching as she goes to add a little more creamer to her coffee. Her blue eyes shine more from the sunlight seeping in through the small circular windows, her skin glowing alight. Her long lashes can be seen from the side angle that she stands, her smooth pink lips going against the mug as she drinks another sip of her coffee.

Her confidence has grown more, and she is happy for that. Ever since she got closure from her past and what happened with Neil she has gotten better at everything. Speaking and of course doing her job, and because of what Sam did for her they have both been growing more closer to each other, a closeness that she doesn't try to steer away from, despite how dangerous the man is.

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