Ch. 100: Where are we now? And What's coming next?

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Where are we now?

Good question.

"We will like to congratulate another successful mission from our Lieutenant, Rita Mane!" The General states, everyone clapping and cheering in the large auditorium room, Rita standing beside the General. The General grabs her hand and goes to hold it out, making everyone cheer more loudly, Esther Zayn and Remedy included.

Rita is still doing amazing in the US Military. Despite Tala and Maxine's death and all of the other dear ones she has lost in her life she still keeps on, her motivation being to not let others suffer the same tragic loss as she has. The military is her home, it is her duty and it is something she sees herself doing for the rest of her days.

Zayn claps as well as well while cupping his mouth while cheering loudly.

Zayn is still doctoring, him being the most successful and smartest surgeon and doctor in most European countries, but he always takes his time out to come and visit and see how everyone is doing in the Mafia Chain. Him and Rita may not be affiliated with the Mafia Chain but the Mafia Chain is their family, and they will never turn their back on them no matter what they do for living.

"Atti, Tequila come on! Time for school!" Esther calls out, Atticus and Tequila making their way downstairs. "Breakfast is on the table."

"Thanks mom!"

Brett comes up behind her, him giving her a soft kiss on her cheek, her turning around and going to give her a kiss on her lips, her kissing him back. "I'll drop the kids off to school."

"Okay, oh and look at what I found." Esther gives a childhood picture of her and Maxine. "Found this while unpacking all of our things in the Villa."

"Wow you both were so cute." Brett smiles wide.

"I know." Esther smiles more.

Brett and Esther ended up marrying each other, both of them getting together when they got close to one another. Brett appreciates the way how Esther talks freely about Maxine, she knows she was his first love and that will always be the case so she makes sure to tell him everything about her, and Brett loves that about Esther, how secure and confident she is, it just makes him fall in love with her again.

They enjoy their two kids...Atticus and Tequila who they both train to become strong when they get older. Esther decided to move her Military business to Europe that way she could be with Brett, her just doing Medical surgeries and fixing up of officers coming back from duty, her not wanting to go and put herself through risks of missions because she doesn't want Brett or her children to suffer if she was ever harmed while on line of duty, and Brett appreciated that.

"Alright let's go." Brett rustles Atticus's hair and pulls Tequila in for a hug, her closing her eyes with a smile when Brett kisses her cheek, Esther smiling from the endearing actions.

She looks back down at the picture of her and Maxine, her smiling softly at it. "Miss you, cousin."

"Okay can you change his diaper?" Remedy gives Dash to Jared.

"Oh god!" Jared scrunches up his face while Dash cries. "Damn! Are we sure we're giving him the right baby food?"

"Now Jared!"


Remedy also decided that she would move her Military dealings to Europe too, that way she could be close to Jared. She does the same thing Esther does, both of them working closely together. Jared on the other hand still works at the department, him now being promoted to Police Chief after the previous chief's resignation and him solving and completing the big case of KingPin Anonymous, which earned him a lot of recognition.

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