Ch. 90: Happen Chances

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(3 Months later.....)


Annabelle, Vincent and Lorenzo play with each other in the middle of the living room, their eyes being focused on their tablets as they play a competition game together, Elio being in a little miniature ball pit, him slowly grabbing each light up ball while staring at them, him sucking softly on his pacifier while everyone else is in the living room with them, with the exception of Sabrina and Susan who are in the dinning room with the CPS worker and Adoption Center worker.

Vincent and Lorenzo are both two years old now, their birthdays taking place a month ago in the same week since Lorenzo is older than Vincent only by a few days. Elio is now four months, him still being a quiet but clingy boy that wants to be under Susan pretty much all of the time.

"I hope this is it and they are able to get things finalized." Victoria states, her baby bump showing just a little bit. "I haven't even been at the courthouse for the past three months and I am exhausted from what Sabrina and Susan have been going through with this case."

"Yeah same." Sasha sighs, her blonde hair now having blue highlights. She has just decided on giving Sabrina her time since she has been switching from hot to cold to where it just started irritating her. She understands she has been enduring a hard case that is pissing her off but Sasha can't find it in herself to deal with her maddening attitude.

"Susan is on the case so it will be done eventually." Mikayla adds in. "We've seen her win cases for a straight year, she's really good."

"I know she always looks so good in the courtroom." Luciano smiles. "I like it when she wears her hair up and has on a blazer! She looks like a badass lawyer that is about to yell out OBJECTION!" He exclaims loudly making some of them jump.

"Shut up, Luca!" Sabrina exclaims out.

"Sheesh." Luciano rolls his eyes, Darian and Viking chuckling. "It's not funny, she has been on one. Normally she takes a break from being so angry."

"She's holding in everything, that's Sabrina for you." Victoria states.

Santiago comes in the room along with Brett. "You did good on the job. Your funds will be transferred into your account shortly."

"Perfect." Brett replies, him going over to Elio and going to pick him up and spend him around. "Hey little guy."

"His eyes are so beautiful." Esther comments. "He like has a mixture of Sam and Susan's eyes."

"Yeah he does." Brett smiles down at him, Elio just reaching for the light up balls in the mini pit while sucking on his pacifier, Brett going to set him down.

"Hey Mikayla quick question for you." Remedy says while staring down at her phone.

"Yeah...." Mikayla trails off, her staring at Santiago as he goes to walk off from the living room, him going back upstairs making her swallow. For the past three months all he has done is ignore her. Every time he sees her he makes a point to just turn off and walk away the other direction, and with each passing day that he does it it hurts her, but she doesn't have the courage to come up to him and demand to talk to him. It doesn't seem right given all that has happened and what she has done.

So she just stays silent, and cries in the shower practically every night to release the anger and sadness both.

"Is Jared by chance...single?" Remedy looks at her.

"I guess." Mikayla replies.

"Good to know." She smiles back at her phone.

Mikayla furrows her eyebrows a little, her going to look down at her phone.

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