Ch. 92: Goodbye, Maxine.

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(A few weeks later....)


Susan gets done putting on the yellow long fitted dress that comes to her ankles along with heels that are covered by the dress, the dress being strapless. Her hair is up in a neat donut bun at the top of her head with just a few strands hanging free, a little bit of makeup being on her face along with yellow earrings.

Today in the day they go back to Sicily since the new Villa has been completed along with the gardens, all of them wearing yellow upon Sam's request for Maxine's funeral.

Sam is crouched down in front of Lorenzo, adjusting and fixing his yellow bow tie, Lorenzo being in a yellow buttoned up shirt and black pants and his shoes, Sam being in black suit pants, black suit shirt and a yellow vest.

"Why we dress up?" Lorenzo questions.

"For your Auntie Maxine, to say goodbye."

"Why say goodbye?"

"Because she's in a better place now."

"Where is she?"

"Up there." Sam points above him. "In heaven."


"Very much higher." Sam brushes down his shoulders. "I'll show you after, okay?"

Lorenzo nods his head, Sam going to pick him up and place him on the bed, Elio being in the middle of the bed playing with his toys.

"Stay with your brother until we're done, okay?" Sam says, Lorenzo nodding as he crawls to the middle of the bed with Elio, Elio slowly giving Lorenzo a ball that he takes.

Sam comes in the bathroom, him releasing a long heavy sigh as his arms wrap around her from behind, him leaning his chin against her shoulder. "I need you now more than ever, Amore. To keep myself together."

Susan turns around to face him. "I'll stand by your side, Sam. I'm right here." She strokes his cheeks, him having a down expression on his face. "We're going to get through this. Whatever you need, I'm right here."

Sam nods, him just going to hug her tightly. Susan hugs him back, her smell and just her presence and her body fitting perfectly against his relaxing him, bringing him comfort only she can give in the moment.

She softly scratches the back of his neck, her other hand softly rubbing his back. "I love you."

"I love you too." Sam replies, him kissing her cheek softly before pulling away, then hearing the loud noise of the jet landing in front of the Villa.

When they get downstairs everyone is already down, everyone being in yellow attire. They all go to the jet, all of them going to get inside.


Sam turns around, Victoria motioning him back. "I was able to crack through the firewalls of the chip to find what the recipe entails? Do you just want me to let you know later?"

"What was it? What was the fuss all about?"

"It's how to make missiles, heat signature missiles at that." She reveals. "Not only that but other deadly weapons of level type weapons of guns, explosives, all of it, even down to the bullets on how to make them more lethal. No wonder Dean was after it so much, one of these weapons if made can cost millions. It was about the profit and power and the danger these weapons can bring."

Sam nods his head in understanding. "Then we use it for ourselves, we won't be selling this. I want everyone to know that we now have this recipe and using it for us, that way no one dare make a move against us, and if they do...then they face the consequences of our new and improved weapons."

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