Ch. 79: Clueless

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Susan quickly runs to the garage area of the Villa, the sight of the Villa being basically destroyed being seen to her, but she tries not to focus on it. Her adrenaline to protect both her and her son is keeping her running as fast as she can, putting her worries at the back of her brain to worry about later, right now she needs to make sure she is safe that way she can keep her son safe.

She can hear the gunshots from behind her, letting her know Sabrina is taking out all of the people that either try and run after her or shoot her. She doesn't look back, she just keeps forward with her arms wrapped protectively around Lorenzo, him still crying hard against her chest.

She makes it to the car, her shaky hands going to put the key in the car before quickly opening it and sitting in the drivers side, her shaky hands going to put the key in.

When she sees a guy rush over to her with a gun in hand she goes to quickly close the door, her heart racing out of her chest as she holds Lorenzo with one arm while trying to start up the car with the other one, her not being fast enough when he opens the door and tries to pull Susan out of the car.

"NO! LET ME GO!" Susan yells out loudly, Lorenzo crying even harder.

Susan gasps hard when she hears a bullet, blood going all over the side of het face when the man is shot, him slowly falling down on the floor.

Sabrina jogs over to the car with her clutching her stomach still, her motioning for Susan to crawl over. Susan quickly crawls over to the passenger seat, Sabrina getting in the drivers side and closing the door behind her before quickly driving off.

Susan's shaky hand wipes the blood on her face before looking down at it, her still hugging Lorenzo tightly and trying to rock to try and calm him down, him still crying hard against her chest.

Sabrina goes to rip a part of her shirt out to wrap tightly around her wound area, her gritting her teeth hard from how hard she wraps it around her torso, her other hand gripping the wheel hard.

"DAMMIT!" Sabrina booms out suddenly while punching the wheel hard, only making Lorenzo cry harder. "Susan shut him the hell up!"

"He's scared what do you expect of him?!" Susan exclaims. "What just happened?! Sabrina why was the Villa blown up—"

"It's not time for a million fucking questions!" Sabrina exclaims.

"Brett...." Susan's eyes widen. "Brett what about everyone else what about—"

"Susan...I need you to shut up alright?!" She states firmly while looking at her.

Susan releases a soft cry while burying her nose in Lorenzo's hair, her trying to calm herself down to calm Lorenzo down. "Shhh it's okay, it's okay. It's okay."

Sabrina drives rather fast through the roads until they get to an abandoned kind of secluded road with woods all around, her going to park out in the woods. "Get out, we're walking the remainder of the way."


"Don't ask questions do as I say when I say it." Sabrina interrupts firmly. "You want you and your child to stay alive?!"


"Then follow what I say when I say it." Sabrina goes to get out of the car.

Susan goes to get out of the car as well, Sabrina going to break the compartment cover off from before the steering wheel of the car, beginning to cut and trip up some wires.

She goes to open the gas tank and leave the car on before jogging away lightly. "Run."

Susan begins to run along with Sabrina, both of them lightly stumbling when the car suddenly blows up, Lorenzo only just crying harder.

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