Ch. 61: Traitor

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(One month ago....)


"It has been over a year!" Sam grits out loudly with his phone to his ear, him being stood in his office with his normal suit attire on. "What's the fucking hold up?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not your little fucking lap dog you can boss around like fucking Apollo, Sam!" Charles exclaims. "It is obvious your brother knows how to hide out, so don't fucking rush me otherwise the deal is fucking off."

"I will come to America myself to find the bastard."

"Go on ahead, as soon as you do a bullet will be in between your eyebrows."

"I need the fucker found, Charles!" Sam exclaims. "My orders have been coming in messed up! I know it has something to do with him! He is trying to mess up my fucking business!"

"Relax yourself." Charles rolls his eyes. "My computer experts just got done building their technology where they are able to tap into any camera in America, so now it is only a matter of time until he is found. When he is I will fucking call you so stop fucking calling me like a clingy fucking girlfriend, asshole! Otherwise I will call off the deal and you will never find him at ALL and your business will continue to get ruined!"

Sam looks at his phone when the line hangs up, him just slamming his hands against his desk in anger.

Charles sets his phone down, him leaving out of his office.


Charles turns around, him crouching down in front of the little boy. "I keep telling you it's Charles, Eddie."

"I like Charley!" Eddie smiles. "Make me sandwich? Me hungry." The four year old requests.

"Where's your old man?"


"Ah alright." Charles goes to stand up. "I suck at making sandwiches, but I know someone who can. Just a minute alright? Wait in the kitchen."

"Okay!" Eddie cheers, him going to run off.

Charles goes upstairs, him going in the nursery room where Sue is, seeing her at the cradle, her back being turned to him.

Charles wraps his arms around her, Sue smiling softly with her eyes closed when he kisses her neck softly. "Eddie wants a sandwich."

"Okay I'll make him one." Sue replies, her sighing out when the baby begins to cry once again. "Charles your son is very demanding. Just like you."

"Ah he's a boy who knows what he wants." Charles goes to pick him up. "Isn't that right, Lucas?" He smiles at him.

"Yeah well he keeps trying to rip off my shirt and he throws his bottle everywhere, he's still probably hungry. He's just being stubborn like someone I know. Oh yeah, he's standing right in front of me."

"I know you ain't talking about me being stubborn, woman." Charles comments. "You take that crown and wear it with pride."

"Hopefully he won't get anger issues like you." Sue rolls his eyes.

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