Ch. 64: Confinement #2

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Mikayla feels herself wake up, her being on the bed in the same room that she was put in.

She raises up while closing her eyes and wiping them, hearing her stomach rumble in hunger. She turns to the other side of the bed, not seeing Santiago there. She doesn't even remember much of how she went to sleep, only just knowing her head was hurting so much from the stress and her crying.

She looks towards the door when it opens, Santiago making his way inside of the room and closing the door behind him, him holding a plate of food.

"Breakfast." He motions towards the plate, him setting it down on the nightstand for her. "There are some clothes in the bathroom if you want to shower."

Mikayla goes to pick up the plate from the nightstand, putting it down in front of her on the bed. "When will I get to see my friends?"

"In a few weeks, when we leave to go back to Sicily." Santiago answers. "We're just waiting on the jet to get done with renovations. Until then you must stay in here."


"Tormenting." Santiago answers with a shrug of his shoulders. "I already explained everything yesterday, it's the way it has to be for now."

Mikayla just slowly shakes her head. "Surely you all must understand why Susan did what she did."

"Who said we didn't?" Santiago asks. "Why do you think me Maxine and Sabrina are doing this to keep you all safe and alive?"

"I know I...I meant your boss."

Santiago nods slowly. "Surely you must understand his side of things too."

"No I don't, really I don't." Mikayla shakes her head. "I won't try and sympathize for the man that killed Susan's brother out of cold blood."

"Sam doesn't kill innocent people."

"So what? You're telling me the man was bad?" Mikayla asks. "That's Susan's brother. If she said that he's good then he was a good man. Your boss is just a selfish arrogant sick bastard that has stalked his claim on Susan and got pissed that she left him high and dry, and his ego shattered when Susan shot his ass! She was scared! Pregnant and scared! Her side will always take precedence!"

"I understand all of that, but I also understand his anger too." Santiago simply replies.

"Then you're full of shit, Santiago."

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