Chapter 8- A Whole Lot of Stuff Goes Down.

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After Christmas break passed, I found myself sitting back behind a desk. Christmas had been wonderful, side from the hours of lecturing I had gotten for getting hurt. However, my parents let me back on the train, and I was soon walking up the millions of stairs throughout the castle, my arms heavy with books. Weeks passed, and those turned into months, and then all of the sudden, exams came up and I was studying my butt off. I was sitting in the common room stressing about school and trying to get Hermione to let me take a break. Over the months, we had found out tons of stuff on the mystery of this year, like the Sorcerers Stone, Nicholas Flamel, and the trapdoor.

"Hermione! Please! My head hurts!" I whined. Hermione didn't even look up from the gi-mungo book she was buried in.

"Saige, ever since Christmas you have been loosing your interest in school! Why?" she scowled at me. I rolled my eyes. It was true - after I had to do 2 months of homework for seven classes, (which, yes, I had completed. So you, yes you in the back, shut. Up) but it had taken its toll. I no longer was super enthusiastic about learning, and while I still exceeded in everything naturally, I didn't spend my hours dwelling on homework and exams. I was literally Hermione and Ron combined. Should I be concerned?

"Its just so tiring, and besides, its almost the end of the year and I want to spend as much time with my friends before I have to leave!" I complained. Ron and Harry had gone down to Hagrids (in the invisibility cloak Harry had gotten for Christmas, of course) to ask him about something, and probably weren't going to be back until-

All of the sudden the two of them burst in, panting and talking frantically. They ran up to us and ran their mouths a mile a minute and didn't skip a beat. I stook up and grabbed Harry's shoulders.

"Woah motor mouth, slow down!" I said, smirking. The boys looked sheepishly at me and Hermione, earning a small smile and a glare. One guess who the glare came from.

"SNAPE, STONE, DUMBLDORE GONE, SNAPE KNOWS HOW TO GET PAST FLUFFY." Ron screamed. I mentally thanked whoever was in the clouds that the common room was empty. Then I gasped. Then my gears started to turn.

"Wait. So Snape knows how to get past fluffy, Dumbledore's gone, which means there's no body left that can scare Voldemort," at this both Ron and Hermione cringed, but I ignored them. "How the hell did Snape figure out how to get past Fluffy?" I asked. Harry's face fell.

"You know the dragon, Norbert? The one Hadrig had at the beginning of the year? Well the man who was selling it had to be Snape. I mean, who walks around with a dragon egg in their pocket? Anyways, he got Hagrid drunk, and got Hagrid to talk about Fluffy, and told him that if you play a bit of music, he falls asleep." Harry said, almost too fast for me to comprehend. 

I gaped. "Oh no. Oh no, this is really bad. What are we going to do?" I looked around at our misfit quartet, Hermione had finally put her book down, and had been biting her nails nervously, Ron, who was still trying to catch his breath, and nodding at everything Harry said, and Harry, looking earnest and worried standing in front of me. I looked Harry in the eye. "So what do we do?"

"We go down the trap door. Tonight."


After dinner, and after everyone was asleep, nobody noticed four small children slipping out of bed and into their jeans and sweaters, and down the stairs and out of the common room. I was shivering, the midnight air was cold despite the fact that it was almost summer. I had put on my itchy sweater, which was a deep red. Unlike Hermione, who insisted on being proper and was wearing a jumper underneath her sweater along with stockings, I was just wearing a pair of my black leggings. Harry and Ron were coming down the boys staircase, holding the glittering cloak.

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