Chapter 38- Harry Kills a Dragon. Very Macho.

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Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a while, had a huge project/presentation today that I have been planning for about a month. Joy. :l

Annnnnyyyywaaaayysss... Just wanted to dedicate this chapter to a few people.

IzBiz78 and hannahlocke29 for being the best little chicklings for me (minor don't die, and bella, toilet paper models rule. :)

ok, enjoy the chapter!

xx syd


When the cannon exploded, so did the crowd's cheers. I instantly cupped my hands over my ears as everyone started to cheer for the first contestant. We still had no idea about the order. But as a yellow and black clad figure stepped out of the tent, I knew that Cedric had been picked to go first. I cheered politely for him as he crept into the arena, looking for the large green dragon that was now being led into the area. I'll say this for Cedric; he looked pretty calm. But then again, he had volunteered for this completion.

A few minutes passed in silence. Cedric was waving his wand and small sparks were coming out here and there, but nothing much happened. After another few minutes, a small dog morphed out of Cedric's pile of rocks he had summoned. The dog ran around the dragon and distracted it while Cedric ran for the golden egg in the nest of the dragon. The crowd screamed. Cedric was about to touch the egg when the dragon's tail whipped around a slashed him across the back. Now everybody screamed. But Cedric got back up and ran for the egg, collapsing over it, panting. The workers ran out and tamed the dragon, and Cedric was carried off in a stretcher.

Turns out Harry was going last. Because after Cedric went Fleur, then Krum, leaving Harry. After Krum left the arena, and the dragons were swapped out, a small red and gold clad figure stepped out from behind the flaps of the tent. Most of the school cheered for Harry even though they were still angry about Harry's entering. Even Ron had turned sour about the whole ordeal, but he came around eventually.

"GO HARRY!" I screamed, internally praying that this wouldn't be the last time I ever saw my best friend. Harry smiled weakly and shouted something into their air with his wand, but the cheers of the crowd swallowed his words. Seconds later Harry's firebolt came zooming towards him. However, a tiny problem got in the way. You know, that dragon he was supposed to fight? Well, the dragon had spotted Harry.

"HARRY! RUN!" I screamed as I saw the barbed tail of the dragon swing behind him. I doubted he heard me, but he must've realized something was off because he lurched out of the way just in time. After a few more close calls with the fire and the tail, Harry finally managed to mount his broom, taking off with lightning speed. The crowd erupted. My throat was hoarse from screaming.

Harry tried for the egg, but the dragon blasted at him with fire, causing him to lurch up. Harry flew high above the arena, like he used to while playing quidditch. However, the dragon, which was chained into the arena, had other ideas. Flapping its huge wings, the dragon lurched up and broke its chain. Harry's cheering quickly turned to screams of terror. Harry's face visibly paled.

"HARRY!" Me and Ron and Hermione were screaming our lungs out. Harry quickly shot sparks at the dragon's face, useless, but it got its attention. Harry then zoomed away from the arena, with the large dragon following.

Silence filled the arena. Harry couldn't be seen, and everybody was standing up searching for a small speck being chased by a large speck that breathes fire.

It had been two weeks since the first task. Harry had shone up, eventually, and claimed that the dragon had fallen down a chasm. Lovely. Now we have a rotting dragon carcass near the school. Just great for the cabbages. -_-

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