Chapter 94 - He Knows

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The entire house had been woken up by Saige's first scream. It came at about 3:47 A.M. and Ron, who had been uncharacteristically sleeping light that night, had been the first to throw open the door to Saige's room and take in her body thrashing in the bed. He had screamed for the others, who were awake and up by the time she screamed a second time. Her fists flew and her shoulders were tense, and Ron immediately ducked to avoid a punch to the face as he dove to hold her down. Harry was right on his heels, along with Fred and George, who managed to help them hold down the sleeping girl.

"Somebody wake her up!" Fred cried as he lost his hold on her arm, leaving it to reach wildly for whatever she was seeing inside her head. Ron's mind was buzzing, split between trying to keep Ginny from getting hit and trying to displace the raw fear in his chest. Saige had never, ever, been like this – not even over the summer. Yes, she had mentioned nightmares, but not like this. Ron's voice was stuck in his throat. Mrs. Weasely had finally run in, a damp cloth and wand in hand. She shoved her way past the crowd of Weasley's, attempting to place the towel across Saige's head. The towel had barely touched Saige's skin when she let out anther violent scream, all four of her limbs ripping free. She curled into a ball, hugging her shoulders tightly as she turned on her side – facing away from the family. Ron didn't notice how tightly she was digging her nails into her skin until small trails of crimson blood started to snake their way down her arms. They left small blotches of blood on the bed.

"Get her nails away! Hold her arms down!" Mrs. Weasley cried. Harry, Fred, George, and Ron all dove for her arms, pulling them away. Saige, by then, had tears forming in her tightly closed eyes. Ron's heart panged. Whatever nightmare she was living through had reduced her to tears – he hadn't seen her cry in weeks – not since she and Harry had gotten in their fight.

"Somebody do something!" Harry cried as she let out another blood-curdling scream. Ron desperately blinked his eyes, trying to figure out if he was dreaming. But, unfortunately, he was not; seconds later he was struck across the face with Saige's right hand and he definitely didn't wake up. Mrs. Wealsey was about to use her wand when the room went suddenly quiet – the bed had stopped shaking with Saige's thrashing, her voice had quieted, and nobody was freaking out. Ron sat back as Saige's arms went limp, sweat running down his face. Everyone was staring wide-eyed at the girl.

"What the hell was that?" Harry whispered at Mrs. Weasley looked over the girl. Ron struggled to find his words.

"She has never – never ­– done that before," He muttered. Harry leaned on the small bedside table next the chair Ron was sitting in. "Not at all last summer. I mean there were a few nights I could hear her walking around, but besides her footsteps, she was always silent. She barely even turned her sleep." Ron ran a hand through his crimson hair. Mrs. Weasley had turned to cleaning up the 5 crescent moon shaped cuts on either of Saige's shoulders and siphoning the small bloodstains off the bed. When she was done and Saige's breathing had finally regulated, she turned to the others in the room. Ron had even noticed his father standing in the door until his mother was looking at him with wide eyes.

"All of you – back to bed. George, Fred – upstairs now. Ginny, you too. Ron, Harry – " She started to order them back to bed, but Ron gave his mother a hard look.

"We're not leaving her alone." He said evenly. His mother started to narrow her eyes, but surrendered once the others were out of the small room. She gave Saige one last mournful glance before handing the damp cloth to Ron.

"Make sure she doesn't overheat. Whatever that poor girl just went through made her body temperature rise dramatically – We're lucky it didn't trigger her magic. McGonagall had mentioned that it built up inside her when she was feeling strong emotions. Fear and anger especially..." She trailed off. Ron and Harry both stared at her.

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