Chapter 13- Glasses? Oh boy...

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part one of year three!

(Btw I skipped year two just because it takes too much time to write everything. So just imagine everything that happened in chamber of secrets happened with Saige tagging along.)

"Saige, hurry honey, we have to go see the eye doctor!" My mother called. I groaned out loud from where I lay sprawled on my bread.  I had to go see the eye doctor cause I can't see a damn thing. I think it's because I mentally drain myself when I use magic or something. 

"Do I have too? Can't you just like, wave your wand and fix my eyes?" Even as I asked the question I prepared myself for the answer I had been hearing for the past four days.

"Honey you know I cant, I could permanently blind you if it went wrong!" I groaned again. I didn't want to go AT ALL. But even as I complained, I noticed things that were more than three feet away from me going fuzzy. So I shut up and grab my bag and my hat and followed my mom and my brother out of our three story house.

"Saige is gonna get glasses! Saige is gonna get glasses!" Sam chanted, picking me up and slinging me over his should like he used to do when I was younger. I tugged on his light blue tee,  not that amused. 

"Sam you butt put me down!!" I said, scowling. I hated, hated the idea of glasses. I was going to get contacts ASAP. I remembered how my Harry's glasses bothered him, although his face would be really really weird looking without them.

We got into the car and I looked out the window, squinting at things that I couldn't quite make out. Was that a tree or a lamp post? Was that a dog or a cat? What did that sign say? It was really annoying to not be able to see, and if I couldn't see during school, it would cause quite a few problems. After a few minutes of driving, we pulled into the parking lot of the muggle eye doctor. I cringed.

"Mom...." I started, but she turned around and glared at me with a look that I had inherited. The, don't even think about complaining missy, look. I hated that I could see my face in hers, even as she scowled at me. But then her face broke into a kind smile, and I couldn't help but let the corners of my lips perk up as well.

"I think glasses will make you look cute sweetie!" I raised my eyebrows at her comment.

"Sure, along with winning me the title of biggest nerd. Hermione would be jealous." I said sarcastically. But as I raised my eyes to the huge building that loomed in front of me, I mentally sealed my fate and walked towards my doom. Oh no.


"Woah. I can see" I gasped. I had just placed the thick, black framed glasses that I had picked out on my nose, and looked up. I was standing in the huge reception room, and I had just opened the small package that held the key to my vision, as weird as that sounded. Jeez. But I could really see, see everything. The rest of the day was filled with me pointing out things I could see, from the snow on the mountain, more specifically, Mont Blanc, and the trees, as the signs, everything. As much as I hated the idea of glasses, they really did my my eyesight better and, if I do say so myself, I looked really damn good in them. I should probably work on my modesty. But as I walked around shouting like a little girl, I realized how close to the start of the school it actually was. I would be able to see my friends again!! We had been writing to each other over the summer and I had learned that Hermion was in Italy, Ron was in Egypt, (lucky) and Harry was at home pretending he didn't exist. But recently Harry hadn't been responding, which made me slightly worried, but if he was in trouble, I had a feeling that Dumblore would be able to stop it and help him.

The next few days passed rather quickly and with everyday, my glasses felt more and more normal. Yes, it was annoying when they slipped off my face if I leaned down, or if I was throwing a tantrum, (I know I know, I'm pathetic, but I don't care so shut up) I couldn't bury my head in my pillow until I had taken my glasses off. My mom had ordered contacts, but because none of us knew muggle money or transactions very well, so it was taking a lot longer than we thought it would to order than normal.  We were finally able to place the order, but by that time the contacts wouldn't come until I was at Hogwarts. So I had to agree to use my glasses until Christmas. (My parents were worried about owling them to me, ridiculous huh?) but that was okay, cause it wasn't that bad. It took a few days to get used to them, but by the time we had driven our usual three hours to the tiny wizarding town and floo powdered to diagon alley I hardly noticed the glasses at all. I spent most of the ride twiddling my necklace and wathcing the diamond encrusted hands move around the clock. 

I was also more than excited for school, even though Sam wouldn't be coming with me. He had graduated last year, so he was now working as an undersecretary at the Ministry of Magic.  Sam had been bothering me about everything, from his NEWTs to his friends he thinks I should date,(yeah that earned him quite a few bruises) and his weird impressions of people I hate. (Should I list some? Draco, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson's.. Wow look at that, those are all slytherins! What a surprise!) . But when we finally walked into the Leaky Cauldron, and when I heard the familiar voices of my thee best friends, (two of them seemed to be yelling at each other, guess who?) and I let my face break into a huge grin.

"Yo! Ginga! Bushy haired girl! Weird stranger that I have never met before!" I called out. Two seconds later my recently repaired vision was blocked by a mane of slightly less bushy hair than I remembered from last year.

"Saige!! So good to see you!!" Hermione cried. She let go of me and looked me up and down. "Something's different about you...." She looked at me quizically. Ron walked over and I hugged him, then hugged Harry!

"Good to see you guys! What's wrong?" They were all looking at my face. Oh, right. I hadn't told them yet.

"Face, black, eyes, what?" Harry stammered. I should probably explain. Hermione explained for me. 

"Saige, you got glasses! Why didn't you tell us?" Hermione said. I smiled.

"Sorry, I got them like last week. Didn't have time to tell you guys. But how's summer been?" I smiled and threw my arms around the boys shoulders and laughed. "Cmon, let's go get into trouble or something. We always find a way too anyways don't we?"

So, walking in a quartet of death, (we really could kill a person, Harry would convince them to tie up themselves he's so sweet, Ron would talk too fast and eat too much food in front of them to make them starve, and the bushy haired beauty would spout too many facts to make their ears bleed. And me? I would probably like cut the head off or something. Yeah, I'm violent like that. *shrugs*), we left the leaky cauldron and headed into diagon alley, my parents and the Weasley's laughing at our retreating figures. 

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