Chapter 14- guitar guitar, what more is there to say?

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Ok so, I need to backtrack a sec here. You guys may or may not know that I love guitar, just cause I hadn't had my guitar lately because you know, school, life, etc. Anyways, to put it simply,  I love playing my guitar. Singing, not so much, but playing ? I'd die if I couldn't play. The last few years at Hogwarts were hard without my guitar, but this year, I get to bring it. My dad placed a ton of charms and stuff on it so it would always be in tune, and the strings would never break, and he taught me some that would keep it clean and safe. So, as I walked with my parents and brother and my best friends, I guarded the odly shaped bag on my back with my life.

"You never told us you played guitar Saige! Jeez how many things are you hiding from us? First your glasses, now this!" Ron joked. I laughed and raised one eyebrow.

"I'm just a book full of secrets Ronald. Read with caution." At this Hermione burst into laughter and Sam, who was walking behind us,  just shook his head.

"Jeezum sis, how sarcastic can you get? Are you being taught sarcasm in class nowadays?" Sam laughed.

"Yeah, I passed with an above average score of "she's too damn good" so I can't take the class anymore." I shot back, then giggled at my own response. I had kept a hand on the straps of the guitar case, and the feeling of the soft leather under my fingers was comforting. Over the summer I had played more than ever, so when we got ready to leave there was no way I could part with it.

"Saige honey, you're sure you have everything?" My mom asked. I nodded, holding up my wand, and motioning towards the cart of chests and suitcases I was holding. And my guitar.

I looked at the small watch on my necklace, and noticed that the time was 10:53. "C'mon guys, we have to hurry. Trains gonna leave soon." With that, I started to jog towards the familiar wall underneath the 9th Platform sign. Closing my eyes as I came within contact and feeling the coolness as I passed through the stone, I burst into platform 9 and ¾. Students were bustling around and parents were crying and saying their goodbyes. I felt my parents, brother and friends, (along with their families, duh) come in behind me, and we all started walking towards the train. A few moments later and we had dumped off all of our trunks, and I turned towards my parents and my brother. He had graduated last year, so he wouldn't be there to scold me. Boo hoo.

"Yo sis, try not to die this year, k?" Sam joked, pulling me into a hug.

"I'll try." I responded with a sly smirk. I turned towards my parents, and they pulled me into a hug as well.

"Really Saige, in the past couple of years you have been in some pretty dangerous situations. I mean really, getting knocked out for like three and a half weeks in your first year, then almost getting killed by a giant snake in your second?" My father looked at me, but I smiled.

"I promise I will not get thrown by a giant troll or ride a snake this year." My father smiled. My mom hugged me again and made me promise the usual things, like "make sure to write and make sure to be safe and get good grades and don't get into trouble and make more friends and be nice and you're coming home for Christmas don't break your guitar..." (and many others I don't want to list). I nodded and promised to each one, although, some of them may be hard to uphold. Shh. I didn't say anything. I was about to hop onto the train when my brother pulled me to the side.

"Hey Saige? I really want you to be careful this year, okay?" He looked strangly serious.

"Don't worry I will. Why?" I asked slowly. Sam's face tightened.

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