Chapter 87- Bridges

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I was starting to wonder if Harry and I were made to hate each other. I swear - we couldn't go two months without fighting over something. I was so tired of his bullshit. After our initial fight, I had been trying so damn hard to forgive him, to convince myself he didn't mean it, but my efforts were in vain. Thanksgiving break passed, the tension between Harry and I was palpable, and the tension between Hermione and Ron was unbearable. Our foursome had been split in two. I spent most of my afternoons with Ron, while Hermione stayed with Harry. I was slightly offended that Hermione didn't say anything about Harry, but I guess it didn't matter. Harry was dead set on turning people against me for some reason – I would just be the bigger person and let it go. Anyways – I had Ron to deal with.

Ron had decided that he didn't want Lavender anymore, but didn't know how to shrug her off. I had been helping him with ideas but she always seemed to jump out of corners to hug and kiss him, which left me feeling extremely third-wheeled.

The other major thing that had happened was the new potions master's dinner party invitation. Hermione had explained a few weeks ago that Slughorn liked kids with potential, with power. I was surprised when I found the letter sitting on my bed last week, but I understood his reasoning. He wanted my power. I found out later that Hermione and Harry had gotten invitations, as well as Neville, Ginny, and Blaise Zabini. A few others that I didn't know got invited as well, but I didn't bother memorizing their names. The invitation was for a formal dinner party, and required a date. I was stumped. While Hermione had been talking before it all happened, she mentioned that she might ask Ron, but I had doubtful feelings about that now.

I stuffed the letter away, making a mental note to find a poor lad who would want to go before the party. I had time, that was two weeks ago and the party was next Friday, so I wasn't that worried. Right now I was just worrying about my friends, school, and stupid teachers.

I wanted to kill Snape. After two and a half hours of horrid Defense Against the Dark arts, I was ready to slap a bitch. The bitch being Snape. As I shuffled out of the classroom, I turned to head back to the common room. Kids filtered around me, but I paid them no attention. Heels clicked and voices chattered, but I ignored them. There was too much going on - too much stress. Between Harry, Hermione and Ron, I had two different sets of hatred on my hands. My brain was burning out.

I finally made it to the common room, sprinting up to my dormitory to toss my books on the old covers of my bed. I tore my uniform off, throwing a pair of jeans and a thick flannel. The sun was setting already due to it being the middle of winter, but I headed outside anyways.

There was nobody in the same balcony I used to come to, which was a huge relief. I was so not in the mood to deal with idiots. I walked to the edge, climbing up on the large stone ledge and dangling my feet over the edge. There was nothing but a 200ft fall beneath me to rocks, but I wasn't scared. In fact, the endless void of space and nothing in front of me was strangely calming. My fingers tapped aimlessly against the cool stone, the snow sticking to my hair and eyelashes.

I sensed another person before they spoke. But I didn't expect the voice.


My entire body stiffened, my mind switching into defense mode.

I turned, swinging my legs back over, but I didn't hop down from the ledge as I faced the newcomer. I bit my lip until I tasted blood.

"Draco." I said coldly. I had been tolerating him in classes for the past few months, but his face had never been absent from my dark nightmares. I was terrified of him.

Draco didn't get any closer. I think he knew I would attack him if he did. But, I couldn't help but feel my heart sink as I eyed the bags under his eyes and the bruises on his face and neck. Either he was with someone, or someone was torturing him. I didn't like either option.

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