Chapter 50- A New Threat

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"You called for me?" The girl's cool voice cut through the thick silence as she strutted through the door, her heeled boots thudding on the floor

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"You called for me?" The girl's cool voice cut through the thick silence as she strutted through the door, her heeled boots thudding on the floor. The dark lord was currently explaining a special mission for the girl with some of his closest death Eaters, but they had been waiting in silence for her to show up.

She wore a tight black shirt with long sleeves and a pair of tight black pants with a holster for a long knife that hung off a black leather belt. Her ankle boots had heels that raised her off the floor a few inches, and her long hair was pulled into a tight braid that reached her waist. Her eyes were narrowed competitively, and with the dark eye shadow that was a custom for her, her face seemed to suck the lightness from the room. No one would guess the girl was just 15.

"Yes. You have a new job." The Dark lord said motioning with his wand at the map that was laying on the table him and his death eaters were sat around. "I need you to hunt down and eliminate these people," The dark lord said triumphantly. The girl grinned wickedly. She strutted over to the table and jutted her hip out as she examined the list and map. Her hair whipped like a deadly snake behind her. After a moment of studying the list, she flicked her finger and it rolled into a nice cylinder. A second later and she crushed the paper in her fist dissolving the paper with a spark of electricity.

"Got it. When do you want me to go?" She said darkly. The Dark Lord grinned.



There were reports all over the Daily Prophet of missing people and a seemingly uncatchable force wiping them out. Articles from PTSD patients talking about a mass of dark magic that walked through enchanted safe houses like a tsunami though a small village. Interviews of mortified victimes describing a young death eater with more power than anyone and no visible wand. Harry was horrified.

Who ever the death eater was, they were more powerful than any witch or wizard Harry had ever heard of. His heart sunk with the possibility of losing his friends to this new threat. He doubted even Dumbledore could take a chance against them.

As Harry lay under the windowsill of number 4 Privet drive he had more than just the reports on his mind. Everyday he had been listening to the news for more stories of this threat, news about Sirius, or anything else. He was also still mourning the death of his best friend Saige Walker, and it took conscious effort to get his mind off his last glimpse of her. It had been almost 3 months since school got out, and Harry could almost still see Saige's trunk where it sat in the empty dormitory. He wondered if anyone had moved it. He wondered if she was with her family now, in a better place.

"You boy!" A sharp voice cut through the air. Aunt Petunia. "Get up!" She barked, and Harry looked up to see her thin face scowling at him from the window. He sighed and stood up, brushing the dirt off him as he stood.

"What Aunt Petunia?" He said, looking at her with a 'really?' look. He expected her to lecture him, but Aunt Petunia's face actually softened a slight bit.

"Your world is having problems again," She said and shoved a copy of the Daily Prophet in his hands then strutted off. Harry shrugged and sat back down in the dirt under the window and gasped as he looked down at the cover of the paper.

It was the threat. That's not possible. Harry's jaw fell open. On the cover was a moving image of the death eater, but Harry could just make out the silhouette of a young girl. Her eyes glowed white and in the image she was drawing the shadows out of the area turning them into tendrils of darkness and fire that flowed and burned around her. She grinned evilly, a barely visible wicked scar running from her eye to her jaw. There was no way anyone could possess that much power. There was no way anyone could look that evil and horrifying at that age.

The headline for the paper was clearly as shocked as Harry was. "YOUNG GIRL SEEMES TO BE CAUSE OF THE ATTACKS. IDENTITY AND POWERS ARE UNKNOWN. TAKE CAUTION." Harry gulped. If a girl that young was the reason people were disappearing into the afterlife that quickly, Harry didn't know how they would last against just her. His heart sunk.

Saige would know what to do. She always has good ideas that work, Harry thought sadly. He subconsciously wondered if because of this girl he, and everyone else, would join her soon in the afterlife.

What do we do?



It had been exactly one week by the time the girl came swaggering back into Malfoy Manner, the bloodstains on her face and hands and the wicked grin she wore scaring everyone out of her way. She strutted into the parlor where the Dark Lord sat with his snake Nagini by the heatless fire.

"Done." She said triumphantly. "And I also teased the others a bit. Let them get small glimpses of me and scare the shit out of them." She said, grinning. The Dark lord smiled with pleasure.

"Good, now rest. I have another mission for you tomorrow," He said and waved her off. She turned and strutted back out the door, heading for the large room she had been moved too. She felt so triumphant she couldn't help but smile with a wicked pleasure. But as she closed the door to her chambers she was met with a startling headache.

Stop it. STOP IT! I screamed at myself. I screamed at my actions, my thoughts, my horrid mistakes. I screamed at the pain. 

I tried to break free of the hold on my mind, but the creature possessing my body burned out my soul again. 

The girl grinned. 

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