Chapter 12- Bushy Haired Beauty Screams at Me A lot.

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When it was finally time to go, and when we had loaded into the packed Hogwarts Express, our little quartet was tired and sad, both about leaving Hogwarts and each other. I had already wasted my tears on crying last night with Hermione, then talking about how much we were going to talk over the summer. And when we met up with the boys we all exchanged addresses and numbers.

"YOU LIVE IN FRANCE?" Hermione screamed at me. She looked astounded. "WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL US?"

"Uh yeah, I live near Mont Blanc, right by the tip of northern Italy. We have to take floo powder to get to the Leaky Cauldron. So after we get to Kings Cross, I have to go the Leaky Caudron and take the floo and then drive for three hours to my house. It kinda sucks, but I love where we live. I hope your owls can reach us." I said, realizing I hadn't ever told them where I lived. I had found out ages ago that Harry lived in Surry, which was near enough to London, and Ron lived up somewhere in Scotland, they took the floo network as well to get to school, and that Hermione lived in London, but on the opposite side of Harry.

"THAT'S SO COOL!" Hermione screamed.

"Volume Mione," Ron joked. I laughed, throwing an arm around Ron.

"Oh Ronald, Mione, The boy who lived, what am I going to do all summer without you guys?" I said dramatically. I pretended to faint. "Harry, my prince, catch me will you?" I said in a very feminine voice. Harry just laughed and stuck his arms out, but when I fell he pulled them back. I landed on my butt and was left swearing and cursing Harry's name into oblivion.

"You're gonna regret that mister." I growled. But then I laughed, and we continued our walk down to the platform.

"I bet I will, but whatever, it was worth it." He said, then started to run away.

"OH NO YOU DON'T MISTER POTTER! COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" I screamed at him, picking up speed as I chased after him. Unfortunately for him, I had done a few years of track running and baseball at the muggle school I went to before I came to Hogwarts. So, I caught up to him in no time. I tackled him from behind, angling my body so we both thudded onto the grass on the side of the path. Then I stood up, pretended to dust myself off then spun on my heel, leaving the wheezing harry on the grass.

"FINE I SURRENDER.!" Harry yelled at me. I smiled, then walked back over and helped him.

"You guys act like a married couple." Ron said. I stopped short and felt my cheeks go red. But I hid it and smacked Ron upside the head. Then I grabbed his ear and whispered, "You just wish you could say the same for yourself and a certain bushy haired beauty you can't keep you eyes off." Then I smirked and walked away. When I looked back, Ron was bright red and his eyes were so wide I was sure they were going to fall out of his head.

"SAIGE WALKER YOU LITTLE TWERP! I DO NOT!" He yelled and started to run at me.

"YES YOU DO!" I screamed and ran away laughing. Harry and Hermione joined in the chase, and by the time we made it to the platform we had a hundred pairs of eyes staring at us and no oxygen left in our lungs. We then boarded the train and spent the remaining hours together laughing, having fun and living life. By the time the train pulled into Kings Cross I was holding my gut from laughing so hard, and tears were streaked down my face. Giggling still as I stepped off, I tried to say goodbye but started to laugh again. God I seemed like I was drunk. I WASN'T I SWEAR.

"SAIGE!" Hold on, I knew that voice.

"Sam!" I said, and I ran towards him, being pulled into a hug. "Good to see you older bro, even though we were at the same school. Jee thanks for ignoring your sister practically the entire year! All I get are smiles and waves, not a Hi Aige, how's it goin?" I laughed, punching his shoulder.

"It's not my fault you were off getting into trouble and danger and saving the school! And plus, I have school and you should too. At least you didn't lose that," Sam pointed to necklace that I had seldom taken off the entire year, " during all of your 'adventures', " Sam said, giving me a stern glare. I grinned when I saw the spark of mischief in his eyes. 

"I would never loose this, but boo hoo for school - I was playing giant chess!" I exclaimed, walking with towards the plaform. Sam just smiled and nodded, then we saw our parents and met up with them. I got the whole "OH MY GOD WE ARE SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK HOW WAS SCHOOL ARE YOU OKAY ARE YOUR GRADES GOOD WE HEARD YOU ALMOST GOT KILLED SAIGE YOU HAVE TO BE MORE CAREFUL AND YOU KILLED A TROLL AND OH MY GOD MY BABY SAIGE PROMISE TO NEVER DO THAT AGAIN" and yada yada yada. After I calmed my parents down, I said bye to the trio one last time, then with my brother's hand in mine I walked towards the car, and hopefully, towards a fun summer.

So, that was the end of year one, and i have decided that i will not be writing year two. It is just too much to write, and i want to get started on the plot, which is my own that i have added into the world of HP. So, in the next year, just imagine that year two happened as it did, just with Saige tagging along. I really hope you enjoyed year one, and if my writing sucks please tell me, because i would love to make it more enjoyable for my readers (if i have any lol) to read my stories. If you do enjoy Saige and the trio, please say so, because i love saige as a character, and i want others too as well!


Peace out-


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