Chapter 95 - Trust

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When I was finally able to regulate my breathing, I shoved my way through the mountain of blankets Mrs. Weasley had given me and stumbled down the stairs. I found the other sitting around the dining room table, talking in low voices. They all stopped talking when I came down the stairs, watching me with wide eyes.

"Saige? How are you feeling?" Harry asked softly. I glanced down at my hands, which were pulsing with fear. The scars stretching from my wrist to the tip of my middle finger were raw and red.

"He knows," I whispered. Mrs. Wealsey stood, shuffling Fred, George, Ginny, and Mr. Weasley out. I made my way down the stairs slowly, tentatively sitting where George had just left.

"Who knows?" Ron asked. I stuffed my fear down deeper, forcing myself to form words.

"Voldemort. He knows how to take it away," I said hollowly. All three looked at me with confusion.

"Take what away dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked. I noticed her flinch when I said Voldemort's name, but I didn't care.

"My powers. He was there – in my dreams. He's – he's able to muffle my power." I explained, trying to keep the suffocating feeling of vunerablilty out of my mind. Ron and Harry glanced at each other.

"How was he there – are you sure it wasn't just a nightmare?" Harry asked. I shook my head.

"It wasn't – trust me. Wait 'till we get to school, I can prove it then," I mumbled. I didn't want to mention Draco, but I had no other way to prove that it hadn't been just a dream.

"How dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked. I shoved everything down.

"Somebody else was there – they were being used by him. As soon as I see them, I'll know if it was real or not," I tried to cover the wobble in my voice.

I glanced at Harry, waiting for him to ask something. He met my gaze, his bright emerald eyes turning hard.

Please tell me it wasn't who I think it is... He seemed to say. I looked away. Harry's mouth twitched.

"It doesn't matter though, if it was real, then we're at risk. Without my power I'm worthless. Yeah, I can fight, but if all of this comes down to one final fight and he is able to take away my powers – I'm about as helpful as a muggle." I said tensely. The others glanced at each other. I hugged the hoodie I had thrown on tighter around my arms. My neck and chest had been bandaged up by Mrs. Weasley when she came to bring up some blankets, but the burns still stung painfully. The weight of the fact that I still couldn't die hurt worse then those. I was furious with desperate rage.

"We will figure it out Saige," Ron said supportively. I took a shaky breath.

"You guys need to pack back up though – the train leaves tomorrow so we need to be ready by tonight," Mrs. Weasley said. Harry and Ron glanced at each other.

I stood to pack but I felt Harry and Ron enter my room instead of their after me.

"Saige –" Ron started, but I threw up a hand.

"Don't. Not now. I cant do that right now," I said a tad bit harsher than I intended. Ron and Harry glanced at each other again. I flung my hands out, letting my belongins fly into my trunk neatly. However, I noticed that the scars stung more painfully than before. The two boys were still in my room.

"What?" I asked, turning to face them. They both stared at me. I glanced over their shoulders at the mirror, and grit my teeth. My face had angry red tearstains tattooed across my cheeks, and my neck was raw and sensitive. I shrugged my hoodie off, suddenly feeling hot despite it being the middle of winter. However, when I turned to discard the hoodie, both Ron and Harry sucked in a breath.

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