Requesting Guidelines

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^that was from my BIGBANG concert^

So I've officially decided to make a guidelines for anyone who wants to request (after like 3 months yay!). This may or may not help, so we'll see!

I would like to start out by saying as a writer there are things I'm not comfortable writing about and some things I'm totally fine with, so here...

Things I Will Write For:

1. Angst... My specialty! I love writing it for some reason, but please clarify whether there's a happy ending or not

2. Triggers... Those can be things like depression (cutting, anxiety, hate, etc...) I've been through it so I know. And I'm perfectly fine with writing it (but! I'll always add a warning) I do know people aren't always okay with this btw which is why there'll be a warning

3. Fluff... Honestly it's not my strong suit but I love cute and cuddly and random moments

4. Really anything that's not on my 'Things I Won't Write For' list xD

Things I Won't Write For:

1. Cheating... For some reason I have a really hard time writing it and it's not always practical for relationships and I can't just see a lot of these guys doing it. THOUGH sometimes I may yah never know

2. In which the guy says things to lower the girls self esteem. I can't ever see any of our idols doing this so I feel like I'm not making it out very well if I write it

3. Anything gross or just weird. I know that's vague but hey, you never know


-and just ask for any other and I'll let you know


-Jay Park
-Simon Dominic
-The Quiett
-C Jamm
-honestly any Korean rapper basically
(and if you have someone in mind ask me!)

Also! I will write for female artists depending on who it is


-Make sure to send me as short or as long as a plot as you'd like. But the more there is, the better it may be (unless you're chill with me doing my own thing with it) but at least give me a category.

-And just let me know if you want to be the OC so I write it in first person and not second.

-I'll do my best to give you a time estimate and such, but I'm really busy so you never know

-if you're unsure about anything, please ask! I swear I don't bite!

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