Seungri: Not Your Girl

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Not Your Girl:

*Second person pov*

There was a lot going on in your life lately from work to friend drama. You spent so much time trying to work things out between people who were furious at one another, not wanting rifts in your friend group. It felt like your life was just filled to the max and you were racing around constantly. Someone you thought would understand was Lee Seunghyun, whom always let you rant to him, or used to.

Was he your boyfriend? Not exactly. Things between you were complicated, but you didn't mind. It was nice, not having any sort of label to your guys relationships and just being together. There were some lines, obviously, but lately things just seemed blurred. He was beyond frustrating with the things he said and with the things he did. You had been expecting for months now that he would officially ask you to be his, but it wasn't coming. It made you doubt the last year with him, or whatever it was.

You had already been starting to want to break things off with him. The two of you were both busy and you felt like you wanted an actual boyfriend, someone who you could see daily or would at least dote on you.

"Hey (Y/N), come here." your close friend Hyun-si entered your room. A look of sadness was plastered onto her face, her phone in hand. Your stomach felt like it dropped, expecting not good news to be on its way.

"What's wrong?"

Hyun-si made her way over to you, sitting right down on your bed. She handed you her phone and looked down towards the floor. Your eyes scanned over the article from Dispatch. There were multiple pictures of Seungri out with another girl. It looked like they were having a nice time, laughing and she was even holding on to his arm at one point. You felt like all your fears about the idol were finally coming to light. There wasn't a way to describe the heart break you were experiencing in that moment, something you had never known until now. It hurt.

"There might be an explanation?" your friend stated, "could she be related to him?"

"N-no, I've actually met a lot of his family.." you said sadly. A part of you hoped this was something small like Hyun-si said. Though deep down a gut feeling was telling you it wasn't.

"Maybe this is it (Y/N).. you've been looking for more of a reason to end things."

"I don't want to seem like a dramatic girlfriend if it's not actually anything I-"

Hyun-si took your hands into hers. She hated seeing you like this, knowing this was hurting you. She was never a fan of how things were between you and the star, "but are you his actual girlfriend?"

"No..." that was the sick reality of it, you didn't have the right to say he couldn't hangout with a girl like that- though in a technical way you did.

"Next time he's around, have a serious talk with him about this."

"We haven't talked in awhile though. I'm not sure when I'll be seeing him next."

"Look I don't want to tell you what to do but, I think you should ignore him for awhile. Maybe if you do that then he'll see what he's been missing?"

You pursed your lips. It wasn't a horrible idea, but you weren't sure if it would be a plan you could actually go through with. It seemed rather harsh, "how long?"


"Months!!!" you shook your head, "that's far too extreme."

"Ah true. That may make things worse..."

Your friend left the room to leave you to your thoughts. There was a lot to think about and no right way to go about it. You were scared of all you'd lose regarding relationships with the rest of Big Bang, Seungri.. but just maybe there could be a lot to gain.

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