Music has been your life ever since you were little you loved to sing and play the piano. You attended school music when you were little and until now you are practicing and getting better. In your middle school your parents got divorce and it pains you deeply. You were left alone to live, they supported you financially but since both of them decided to have their own new family you have nothing left to stay. You are okay with it, you had your music with you and you loving grandparents which is the place you are staying until you finish your middle school.
Now you attending Karasuno High and you are very excited, your (h/h, and H/c) sways are you walk down the hall, some boys are already looking at you with blush on their faces. You are not just an average girl you have appeal and a very pretty face. But mostly you have a very shy attitude reason not so many people you sing and play piano. As you reached your homeroom you open the door and walk to the empty space. After some time there is a little ball of sunshine who walk in front of you, you turn to look at him to be greeted by a very cute smiling face of him.
Hinata: " Hello my name is Shoyou Hinata, nice to meet you" as he extended his hands to you
You smiled at him that cause him to blush, you softly reach your hand out and shake his hand. He smiles more and shakes your hands more.
Y/N: " I am (y/n and l/n) nice to meet you Shoyou"
Hinata: " You have a very soft hands ___-chan, and a very soft voice too" as he let go of your hand
Y/N: "thank you very much" the teacher arrives and he goes back to his set, giving you a thumbs up and cute smile again.
The school process works smoothly, maybe the only thing you had problem is when boys tried to talk to you and you end up walking away from them leading you to the rood top. You sigh and flops on the floor realizing how beautiful the shy was. Breathing slowly you started to sing a song you loved to much.
Listen to this for the song: Hotaru Fujita Maiko Vostfr AMV Hotarubi no mori e
While you are singing your heart out, you didn't notice that there is a person with you in the roof. His silvery white hair swayed as you sing. His eyes were close savoring your voice tone and feelings. Sugarawa Koushi was listening to you intently without you noticing it. He was in the opposite side of the room, reason that he cannot see your face; he was humming along with you as you sing your heart out. After that song you sigh again and run down the stairs to catch something to eat. Too late when Sugarawa turn to look who's voice is that. He frowned and smiles again.
Sugarawa: "Maybe someday , I'll see you and hear you againd My angel" He smiles and walks down the stairs to his next class
Next Day you were with Hinata behind the school yards, he insisted that you watch him play and practice his solo serves in volleyball. You agree so you won't be alone this time and so you can eat your lunch at peace. As he practice throwing balls and such you were humming looking at him. He noticed that you look so pretty while enjoying your own little humming, he turn to look at you and drop the ball.
Hinata: ___=chan you have a very lovely voice, I bet it sounds more amazing when you are singing
You blush and turns away, he smiles at you and jump up and down
Hinata: "Can you sing something for me? ___-chan I really wanted to hear you sing even just for once?" he pleaded. You look at him and nodded. "Okay, but only this time neh Shoyou". He smiles more "Hai" he was sitted on the grass. You were standing in front of him, closing your eyes you started singing and with the first word you said Hinata was already shocked how you sound. It was like he was listening a video player, you sound so precise and amazing like a real angel.
Sugarawa by the other hand was trying to find Hinata to hand him something when he heard something familiar, that voice he heard the other day on the roof top he was hearing it again. He fast speed his walk trying to find where the voice is coming from coming in near the back of the school where you and hinata was. In a sharp turn he saw you, He saw you singing and the voice he love was from your mouth. After that song you open your eyes to see hinata jumping at you and hugging you.
Hinata: That was amazing ___-chan
y/n: you smiled at him, then you notice another guy was looking at you both. You blush
Sugarawa: hello there
Hinata: Sugarawa sempai," he runs to him
Sugarawa: hello hinata, I was looking for you to hand this over here,he gave him a folder with papers
Hinata: OHHHHh thank you so much sempai
Sugarawa then turns to you " You have a very lovely voice "
Hinata: Ohh Suga san this is my class mate ____-chan and she is amzing
Sugarawa: Nice to meet you ___-chan
And after that faithful meeting, he started pursuing you after a year
He was now your boyfriend
Suga: ___-chan?
Y/n: hmmm?
Suga: Can you sing a song for me
Y/n: Okay then
Suga: Thank you My Angel
Y/n: blush and hides
Suga: I love you
y/n: I love you too

Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)
Fanfictionjust a sweet awkward experience I write when I feel it and when I am in mood I can also accept request so yeah