The fox Maiden and the young councilor " Tsukishima X reader"
A young blonde male stands in front of the wide gates of the biggest castle in china, it was his first time in this place and he was more than nervous to enter it. He was Tsukishima kei, a very young scholar from the Karasuno province as he was chosen to be one of the royal's castles house council he had drawn back into the royal palace for his position. But what will he discover will change everything
Suga: hello you might be Kei, welcome to the palace I am sugarawa the head Councilor I'll help you so please come follow me" the guy with silver hair calmly approach him, Kei on the other hand followed him the walk inside the palace was long it was like an endless walk through out the place.
The walk was put into a stop when, the head councilor stop in front of a room it was decorated with elaborated designs of gold and silver. Tsukishima had thought that it was a room for a royals but never the less it was exciting to meet the emperor face to face.
Suga: you might be thinking that this is the emperors room? But you are wrong this is the room of the deity of the snow. I am sure you know that we have some mythical creatures protecting the kingdom and I wanted you to see the one protecting us." He smiled, this sparks Tsukishima's interest a creature more powerful than the emperor and more higher than his standing.
Sugarawa opened the door leading inside, the whole room was painted white with odd looking pink sakura flowers that seems to be in full bloom. The mood inside was untameably good, it was like it was spring inside while the outside world offers winter season. The whole room is like a dream, there was visible flakes of snow and cherry blossom petals but then it feels more like a memory than a dream.
Tsukishima: what is this place?" he asked looking around with awe
Suga: this is the maidens room, where she feels more comfortable and relax she is the one protecting the kingdom but I think she isn't here." He added looking around
Tsukishima: what was it like?" he asked full of curiosity, the older councilor just smiled at him and giggled
Suga: you mean her?? Because she is actually a girl" he added as he lead the young out the room, greeted with cold wild Tsukishima wanted to come back inside the room it was more like welcoming and comforting in ways he could have imagined.
Tsukishima: so the maiden is a girl I wonder what kind of creature is she" he said as he followed the councilor out the halls. The day ended with him in his chamber, the chamber was huge and solemnly designed for him alone. It was such a good place to sleep and so that night he fell asleep longer than he expected.
Time skip ( next day)
There was a meeting for all young councilors, Tsukishima made way to the big halls where he saw all types and kinds of councilors from different ages and level. Red, black and blue ribbons are present
Res being the highest rank, black being second and Blue being the new fresh councilors of the palace, the meeting was long and elaborated to no end it informs all of them for the task they will have to do to in order to serve the kingdom.
While in the meeting, he saw something that caught his eye? A girl among the councilors? And he is sure that girls are not allowed in the line of this works. So after the meeting he approaches the girl who was standing right outside the halls.
Tsukishima: hello I am sure that I saw you In the councilor meeting room? Can I ask are you by chance a councilor?" he asked timidly trying his hardest to sound polite, the girl looked at him and smiled facing him completely, he saw her whole figures and he must say she is lovely.
y/n: hello and you are wrong, I am not a councilor" she smiled " I work for the kind directly under his words" she added, which sparks Tsukishimas interest
Tsukishima: what do you mean?" he said as he walked closer to her, the girl started to walk towards certain halls and Tsukishima follows after her, something about her seems to be drawing him more
Tsukishima followed the girl as they reach a very familiar room, the room he had wanted to return the room of the maiden
Tsukishima: did you by chance acquaintance with the maiden?" he asked the girl sounding polite, the girl smiled and entered the room which shocked Tsukishima, he followed inside when the door suddenly shut closed, he tried to open it but it won't budge upon checking his eyes wonder in the vast white room. Until he saw the same girl in front of the big chair
The girl smiled at him
Tsukishima: we shouldn't be here it's the maidens room, the girl frown
y/n: aren't I welcome in my own room?" the moment she said those words her hair flew over changing color, as he clothing changes color and design there is also a big light blinding the boy in front of you the 9 big furry white fox tails that is.
Tsukishima: it cant be? You are the maiden?" he asked
y/: nice to meet you boy" the girl said

Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)
Fanfictionjust a sweet awkward experience I write when I feel it and when I am in mood I can also accept request so yeah